The majority of rubber produced gets used in the manufacturing of the tires and many other mechanical goods that we use in our daily lives but never pay attention to. And you won’t believe how hard life would be without them. Synthetic rubber is the pure monomers made by using the process of polymerization and polycondensing. However there is another important process in rubber manufacturing called vulcanisation, without it, we were never able to make the synthetic rubber that serves the purpose.


What is vulcanisation?

Vulcanising refers to the curing process of rubber which requires high temperature and the addition of curatives (vulcanising agents). Using this chemical process, polymeric molecules of natural rubbers connect with other polymeric molecules and form the link bonding through atomic bridges. When it comes to rubber manufacturing, insoluble sulfur is the best vulcanizing agent. Manufacturing radial tires is only possible by adding insoluble sulfur as the vulcanising agent. Insoluble sulfur manufacturers are the one who helps the rubber industry by providing insoluble sulfur which is one of the rawest materials the rubber industry requires.


Vulcanization agents help the rubber in improving its tensile strength. This is not it but it helps with other characteristics of the rubber. Rubber will absorb less water and its insulation properties increase. Rubber will become more durable and resist oxidation, wear-tear, and become long-lasting.