What are possums?

Possums are mammals who tend to be nocturnal. They are primarily solitary, but sometimes possum can be seen in pairs or small possum family groups. Not all possums are the same, but possum is always interesting. Possum Removal Sydney

Possums are medium-sized mammals that are known for their ability to play dead when threatened. They live in a wide array of habitats, from forests to deserts to urban areas. These animals are usually nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and go out at night to find food. Because possums are scavengers, they enter your yard in search of food and shelter. They’re very resourceful, so possums will eat any kind of plant or animal matter available. They will also find shelter in any covered, dry area – from brush piles to attics. Remove these types of hiding spots and possum deterrents to keep possums out.

How to Get Rid of Possums that Nest in Your Attic

1. Inspect the possum habitat for hazards, such as low-hanging tree limbs or power lines. Clear away possible dangers to both people and possums.

2. Remove possum attractants from your yard, such as compost piles or open garbage cans. Animal feces are also possum attractants, so remove any possum droppings that you find.

3. Hire a professional possum trapper to humanely trap possums in your attic and release them elsewhere

How to Get Rid of Possums in Garbage Cans

1. Wrap garbage cans tightly with heavy-duty aluminum foil, securing it with sturdy tape. This possum deterrent will make the possum unable to open and access the garbage can.

2. Secure a piece of plywood over your garbage cans if possums are consistently getting in through the lids or sides. You can also padlock or chain together all available handles on your containers to ensure possums cannot open the cans.

3. Bury your garbage cans several inches into the ground so possums are unable to move them and access any garbage within.

How to Keep Possums Out of Your Trash Cans

1. Purchase or construct a possum-proof trash receptacle, such as one with latches or locks on the lids.

2. Place your trash receptacle along an exterior wall of your house or garage, possum deterrents away from trees or other objects possums can use to access the cans.

3. Keep the lid of your trashcan inside at night so possums are unable to knock it over and spread garbage through your yard.

How to Get Rid of Possums in a Shed or Garage

1. Store your items possum deterrents inside, possum-proof containers that possums are unable to enter. Dead Possum Removal Sydney

2. Hang possum deterrents of mesh netting or chicken wire over possum entry points. The possum will be unable to pass through the openings and leave your shed or garage alone.

3. Register for a pest control possum removal service to humanely trap possums inside your shed or garage and release them elsewhere. Professional possum trappers can also seal all entry points possums use to access the space, making it impossible for possums to get in again.