Zeiss Ophthalmic Instruments have been developing innovative optical instruments for over sixty years. The Zeiss Optik ZEISS system is the most widely used and versatile eye scanning device in the world. This device is based on patented technologies that enable it to process the human eye into digital form, while improving upon the conventional method of using a computerized machine. The Oculomotor system of this device provides an automated, fully automated method of processing the eye’s data without affecting the natural eye movement. It operates in real-time and can measure any eye function at any focus of the optical path.

Zeiss Ophthalmic Instruments are also used for a variety of other purposes

  • A test called Total Servo Audiometry (TSA) is based on the application of high-resolution measurements of an individual eye during a cataract surgery. The measurements taken during the surgery would code the degree of patient refractive error and other parameters such as lens shape and the need for glasses or contact lenses. With the help of the total service software package, the measurements taken during the surgery could be interpreted by a trained technician.
  • Another application of Zeiss Ophthalmic Instruments would be in the field of ocular diseases. One such disease is the cataract which usually affects middle-aged men. The use of the optical coherence tomography instrument (OCT) can determine the progression of the disease in the patient and thus may lead to early detection. A patient may have AMD (age-related macular degeneration) and glaucoma (open-angle glaucoma).
  • Another application of Zeiss Ophthalmic Instruments would be in the field of glaucoma. Glaucoma is usually characterized by extreme pressure on the optic nerve. Such pressure usually develops during an eye-opening procedure called exudation. During such a procedure, excess fluid is often expelled from the eyes. Such fluid usually reaches the choroid, which eventually accumulates and forms a partially obstructed drainage channel. Such a condition may result in either reduced visual clarity or in complete blindness.
zeiss ophthalmic instruments
zeiss ophthalmic instruments

In order to treat these cases, the surgeon may perform a cataractectomy. After this, the surgeon would inject a solution into the channel, which prevents fluid from accumulating. If necessary, he may also use a laser-assisted drainage procedure in line with an optical-energy laser called laser-assisted octane. In cases where there is a developing macular edema, laser-assisted octane is often the only option available due to its ability to reach into the opaque portion of the lens and deliver a focused energy to the fluid inside, thus causing the edema to dissipate more rapidly.

How surgeons uses Zeiss Ophthalmic Instruments?

In order to prevent such a condition from developing, the surgeon may perform an intravitreal bevacizumab procedure using the Zeiss Ophthalmic Instruments Laser Arterial Acoustic Tomography System (LABS-X) or the Google Scholars IntraVagraim. In LABS-X, a thin slice of the patient’s eye is first cut, followed by a computer generated image of the same. The laser ablation system is then used to burn away the damaged portion of the cornea. The resulting flap is then sutured and the area is treated with retinoids.

The Zeiss Ophthalmic Instruments is used in many other procedures and can be found in the Zeiss Optoelectronic Medical Products range. Some of the products in this range include the LABS-X and the Google Scholars intravaginal microkeratome. One of the most recent additions to the Zeiss Ophthalmic Instruments product range is the Visxyn IP, which is intended to reduce the risk of cataract development and treat age-related cataracts. The company also manufactures the popular Zeiss Perceptoscope and the Zeiss IntraVagraim Microscopy system, which are ideal for use in ocular surgery. There are also additional products under the brand names of Zeiss, such as the Zeiss Contact lenses. One can buy the best Zeiss ophthalmic instruments online from websites like opriagroup.com.