Back and neck pain is some of the worst pains anyone can experience. It greatly affects the everyday activities of people. However, treatment for lower back pain can be as simple as taking over-the-counter medications and taking proper rest.

Here, I’ve mentioned some possible causes of your pain and methods for back and neck pain treatment.

Possible Causes

The most common causes of neck and back pain are:

  • Heavy weight lifting
  • Abnormal sleeping position
  • Improper or over the use of the muscles in that area
  • Strain
  • Improper Posture
  • Muscle tension
  • Muscle tear
  • Obesity
  • Tumor or abnormal growth
  • Osteoporosis
  • Fracture or other injuries etc.

Quick Treatments for Back and Neck Pain

Here are some quick and effective treatments that you can do to treat your back and neck pain.

1.       Don’t Irritate the Problem Area

The first thing you need to do to treat your mild or acute pain is to find out what makes the pain worse. Avoid touching it and doing activities that make it worse. Those activities can be your posture, sleeping position, sitting posture, etc. Don’t burden yourself, avoid daily activities for some time, and take proper rest. This is all many people need to completely cure their back and neck pain.

2.       Hot and Cold Treatment

This is the best treatment you can do at home. For the first 2 to 3 days of your pain apply cold pads to the problem area. Applying cold reduces swelling and inflammation. All you have to do is fill a bag with crushed ice, wrap it with a cloth, and put it on your neck or back for 15 mins. Take a break after that and repeat after every hour. After 2 to 3 days, apply heat to the area. You can apply it using the same method. Heat relaxes the muscles and increases blood flow.

3.       Available Medications

While doing the above treatments, it is really important to take proper anti-inflammatory medicines available at your home. A lot of people have over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, aspirin, or ketoprofen. These are called NSAIDs. If you have acute pain, you can contact your doctor, and he may prescribe you some other medication like Acetaminophen.

4.       Stretches and Exercises

Being active is the key to relieve and prevent any kind of neck and back pains. Walk in an upright position and do stretches to improve your daily posture. Once your pain has reduced you can do various exercises to completely vanish it away. Make sure to warm your neck first and use a proper technique.

5.       Therapy Sessions

You can go for massage appointments for mild pain. A massage professional will relieve the muscles of your neck and back. For acute pain, you can go and see for physical therapy.

Bottom Line

These treatments and tips are really helpful to treat neck and back pains at home. If you have acute pain even after several days of treating it at home, you should go for a doctor’s appointment. Make sure you get a proper diagnosis of the pain before using any other medication.