Do you know that thousands of tenants could not get their deposit back every year because of the lack of cleaning of the rental property? It is a for sure thing that to get your deposit back you would have to provide your landlord with a clean property. When renting a home, you take on responsibility for the property and its upkeep. It is a duty that to being a good tenant you should leave the home clean and in the same condition as was provided by the landlord. You should look after the property of a landlord and it is the duty of a tenant. The end of tenancy cleaning in London is hired by people so that they provide the rental property in the same state and condition.

Most of the companies are working in London to provide you with the best services for cleaning whether you want these services for domestic cleaning or end of tenancy cleaning. The professionalized services have the best and advanced tools and equipment to do the cleaning process. Moreover, when your tenancy comes to an end. Your landlord receives it back in the same state that you were entrusted with it. You can achieve this by hiring professional services.

End of Tenancy Cleaning

When your property is a rental property, then you are always worried that whether your old tenants would leave the property clean or not for your new tenants. To create the best impression, an end of tenancy clean will show your new tenants the property in the best condition possible.

What’s involved at an end of tenancy clean?

In the time of COVID-19, when the spread of the virus is common and you can easily get infected with a virus, then it is the foremost duty of a tenant to keep the property clean. The property should be deeply cleaned before the next tenant moves in at the house. It’s not only how to clean space is the depth of the cleaning but what is also cleaned. Deep cleaning of the place ensures several different things such as grease, dirt, oil, stains, coffee or tea, hair throughout the property. Your carpets, furniture and other items inside your house will become clean and tidy when they are cleaned by professional services.

Why have an end of tenancy clean?

As a landlord or agent, you may only expect the tenants to keep the property as standard when they initially move in. If your tenants are good, then they always try their best possible to keep the house clean and do not make it a mess, as if they do not keep the property clean, then they will fail to get their deposit back from landlords. The landlord will always ensure this thing that the property must be cleaned. So, that it will be ready for the next tenants. While setting the right standard is the fundamental reason for the end of tenancy cleaning, there are knock-on effects:

  • Increasing the rental success of your property for prospective new residents.
  • The letting agents who are responsible to provide the best property to tenants would assure the landlord that no damage will be made to its property. Moreover, they will maintain the cleaning standards at the property.
  • Professional end of tenancy cleans can be done quickly to minimize periods between tenancies.
  • Professional cleaning services are acquainted with inventory work and fulfil the criteria required.
  • If your property is well-maintained, then it can achieve the desired rent.  As the tenant will agree in giving the rent which is demanded by the landlord.

The Checklist of End of Tenancy Cleaning

It is a tenant’s responsibility and vital that a rental property be cleaned after a tenancy agreement. There is always a checklist to check on specific things. Landlords will always check different things when they inspect their property. The checklist is as follows:

  • Wiping the curtains beneath the bed and dust reachable surfaces on which lots of dust is present.
  • Properly dust and vacuum both sides of blinds and curtains.
  • Mattresses at the home should be vacuumed thoroughly if it is a furnished property.
  • Bathroom floors should be clean properly.
  • Scrub and rinse the bath marks and signs of mildew.
  • Wipe reachable bathroom tiles.

Why the end of tenancy cleaning is important?

You surely want your deposit back from the landlord. That’s why it is important to clean the house at the end of the lease. One of the most important ones is the end of lease cleaning that is performed for successfully moving out. Most of the time, people would do DIY attempts in cleaning a house before leaving it. There are several important things that portray the importance of end of tenancy cleaning in London and these are as follows:

Secure your Bond

Your bond will be secured when you provide a clean place to your landlord. It is a common practice that your landlord will take some amount from you at the start as a security deposit. The property must be in the condition that it should have any kind of wear and tear of any furniture piece.

You are legally bound to Perform it

The lease agreement between the landlord and the landlord is a legally enforceable document in which most landowners have a lease cleaning clause. It’s one of the main clauses of the agreement that the tenant will return the property in the same condition to the landlord. The services of end of tenancy cleaning in London should be hired from Tenancy Cleaner.