What’s behind massage therapy?

The art of massage dates back a long time, it has been found in history dating back to Mesopotamian and Chinese cultures. The ancient Greeks found the ideal massage therapy to help prepare their athletes even then. This would help prepare your muscles for any activity and remove any excess fluid build-up after the activity is over.


In the 19th century, Swedish fencer Per Ling helped make Stockholm a therapeutic center for exercise. He bringing you world recognition in this massage therapy. We began implementing massage therapy for our soldiers when they returned home after World War I and were injured. Spa in Dubai Marina


Massage is nothing new, it has been around for a long time. It’s a great way to help treat many ailments, aid relaxation, and help athletes recover from sports injuries. But behind all this is the benefit that can help many of us that we are not even aware of. It is known to help those suffering from sleep disorders; as it is known to increase delta waves that help promote sleep. Falling asleep on the table during the massage will help you for a few days afterward, helping you retain the benefits of deep sleep.

If you have memory problems

If you have memory problems or want to help stimulate brain activity, massage is a great way to do this. Some companies promote the use of a massage chair in therapy to help their employees receive brain massage. It only takes fifteen (15) minutes a day and helps increase mental alertness and improve awareness.


Since massage releases natural antibodies in our system, it can help with many physical and mental ailments. It helps strengthen our immune system and can actually lower cortisol levels that are present with stress. Even common illnesses like PMS, mild depression, and even the common cold can be prevented with massage therapy.

It can help with minor depression and sadness as the massage is said to stimulate the left side of our brain, which is stimulated when we are happy, happy, or excited. In this way, making us maintain a positive and happy attitude.


There are many positive aspects of massage therapy which may include but are not limited to, some of the following: it will reduce your stress level and its damaging effects on our body; it is good for blood circulation and our immune system; heals our minds and makes us feel a sense of well-being; stimulates the production of certain endorphins and relieves pain from injuries and premenstrual syndrome.

Calms our central nervous system; helps improves sleep patterns; relaxes muscles and reduces tension; helps digestion; improves focus by enhancing our brain activity and actually reduces our production of cortisol and other known stress hormones.


Massage comes in different forms, some of which are listed below:


Effleurage or effleurage: the contact movement provides a relaxing and warm sensation to the areas of the skin that are caressed. Along with this, they will use massage oils.


Kneading or kneading: With the thumb, index, and middle fingers, the skin is grasped and kneaded, and, in turn, muscle tension is relieved. Massage in Al Rigga


Friction: the fingertips are used in a circular motion with the tip of the thumb with the edge of the hand using increased and decreased pressure on the skin during massage