Heart-related issues are a significant public health issue that primarily affects the person with elder age. Hypertension, obesity, and diabetes affect more than half of individuals, explaining some of the inequalities related to heart disease mortality. Heart rate variability appears to be linked to cardiovascular illness and psychological and other cardiovascular risk factors, and it diminishes as people become older.

Coronary arteries feed our heart with blood, nutrients, and oxygen to operate correctly. Plaque builds up on the artery walls, narrowing and hardening them and restricting blood flow. This blocking is referred to as atherosclerosis or heart blockage.

These blockages can cause chest discomfort and may lead to various other heart diseases, including heart attacks, and can also risk CVD Disease. Your doctor may recommend coronary angioplasty to restore blood flow to the heart and, as a result, relieve chest discomfort, enhance your capacity to remain physically active, and lower your risk of a heart attack. Paras hospital Gurgaon provides the best cardiology doctors and techniques for angioplasty in Gurgaon. 

Approaches used by hospitals for angioplasty – 

Angiography is a minimally invasive medical procedure used to treat or prevent heart attacks (myocardial infarction). Using X-ray guidance, the cardiologist or heart doctor in Gurgaon inserts a tiny, flexible medical device into a femoral artery and threads it up to the coronary arteries. Coronary angioplasty addresses blocked arteries that send newly oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. non-coronary arteries providing blood to the kidneys or legs are also treated with angioplasty.

Angioplasty is a procedure that can be done in a hospital or a clinic. Clearing coronary artery blockages can be performed using the following approaches in hospitals, includes –

Angioplasty with stent – The medical procedure involves using a flexible metal tube that places at the site of the heart blockage to hold the artery open.

Angioplasty with drug-eluting stent – In this method, a doctor with a special stent infuses medication slowly infuses into the surrounding tissue to slow or prevent another blockage at that site.

Balloon angioplasty – By inflating a balloon in the catheter’s tip, the doctor presses the plaque against the artery wall.

Laser angioplasty – In This method, the doctor destroys plaque at the blockage site using heat.

You can discuss all the risks and advantages of each kind of angioplasty with your angioplasty specialist. Where you can make an informed decision about which type is best for you based on your other health conditions.

Your angioplasty or cardiology doctor will discuss the risks and benefits associated with each type of angioplasty. Together, you can choose a treatment method or make an informed decision about which type is best for you. You can check any procedure cost estimate to get done best possible angioplasty at Paras hospitals Gurgaon

Best Hospital in Gurgaon for angioplasty –

If you decide to go for angioplasty to avoid a heart attack, take your time to select the best-preferred hospital. Various hospitals in Gurgaon are equipped with the most advanced facility with state-of-the-art infrastructure that ensures diagnosis and treatment for heart and vascular disease. Paras hospital Gurgaon has a top-ranked & skilled team of cardiologists that diagnoses and treats a wide range of cardiac disorders, including many uncommon and complicated illnesses. Heart valve disease, coronary artery disease, congenital heart disease in adults, and congenital heart defects in children, such as Ebstein’s anomaly and hypoplastic left heart syndrome, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, heart failure, and heart rhythm disorders are among the conditions that the team of doctors specializes in diagnosing and treating (arrhythmias). Doctors use all advanced and cutting-edge technologies to perform angioplasty and other heart-related treatments. You can discuss with the doctor all risks and complications associated with the treatment before the procedure and choose a treatment approach accordingly. 

The following procedure was followed at Paras hospital Gurgaon for angioplasty – 

  • The doctor will review your medical history and evaluate your current health.
  • He will order an ECG and blood test for you.
  • A contrast-enhanced CT scan may be required.
  • Before the operation, you will be given aspirin.
  • During the procedure, the patient will be conscious and given sedatives to help them relax.
  • 6-8 hours before the operation, no food should be consumed.

How Credihealth can help –

Credihealth has been associated as a partner with Paras Hospital Gurgaon that allows you to make an appointment with the finest heart doctor in Gurgaon. You may look for a hospital or a doctor in your region using parameters like admission charge, OPD hours, service, specialization, experience, cost comparison, and reviews and comments. You may also make a hospital or doctor’s appointment, purchase medicine online, arrange a lab test, get a second opinion, and hire a home attendant. Credihealth offers everything related to healthcare available in one click to make your life easier, including teleconsultations, video appointments, expert advice, and treatment prices.