Let me describe myself for a second to kind of put things into context: I’m tall, good looking, I dress better than most men, and on top of that, I don’t look like the typical black guy that you’d expect to come across. As a result, I’d say that I get hit on at least once every one or two nights that I’m out. I’m going to tell you what I think of the women who hit on me. Regardless of if I’m a guy, I think it’ll give you insight on what BBW think of the countless guys that hit on them. If you were to ask women about me, they’d most likely tell you that I’m a good talker. This is a result of being in a similar position to them, and knowing what they want to hear.

About a month or so ago, I was having a discussion with a friend. In short, what I noticed about myself is that almost every single time a girl approached or hit on me, I’d either ignore her, or walk away from her. I don’t care how physically hot I thought she was; it was almost automatic for me to walk away from or completely ignore her. For awhile, I thought that something was wrong with me because it didn’t make any sense for me to walk away from and ignore these women, especially these extremely attractive ones.

After giving it more thought, I know exactly why I ignore or walk away from almost every woman that makes an attempt to approach or hit on me. Most of the women that come on to me, come at me with the same basic lines: you’re hot, did that hurt (my labret piercing), you look mean, you look like x celebrity, or they’ll make an attempt to bump into me. Any time a girl does any of the above, I think to myself “oh here we go again”.

At first, it was kind of gratifying for the ego when women would do these things, but after it’s happened so many times over the past few years, it feels very generic and does nothing for me. In fact, it’s an almost knee-jerk reaction for me to get away from BBW when they come at me that way.

Don’t get me wrong, I may not like the way they approach me, but I do understand that it takes a certain amount of courage to even talk to me, so I am willing to entertain a girl and see what else she has to offer. However, almost NONE of these girls have anything to follow up with. They all just stare at me like they’re dumb, or they just keep repeating variations of their opening sentence.

If you look at the girls that I do end up spending a considerable amount of my time with (the ones I write extensively about), not all of them are these perfect looking girls. I do have my standards, and wouldn’t even consider a chubby girl that was too big or unattractive, but you don’t have to be the prettiest girl in the world in order to hold my attention. What mattered most about the girls I ended up spending a lot of time with, is that they were extremely comfortable with themselves, they offered conversation, and they just didn’t feel generic.

The conversation didn’t have to be spectacular, they didn’t have to fit this perfect image, nor did they really even have to wow me. If you look at The Virgin, I kind of ignored her at first, but what hooked me on her, was that she kept talking about basketball. I didn’t care much for basketball, but I got a sense that she was just being who she was, and was making an attempt to have a real conversation with me.

If you look at Mahal, I just thought she was really nice to me and real about who she was. It didn’t feel like she was trying to impress me. When Appleface first approached me, I kind of ignored her as well with my back to her. She got me because she made her best attempt to offer conversation, and she just felt really genuine. With Barbie Doll, she was actually very shy, but she did her best to try and have a real conversation with me. And with Sex Lips, she originally came onto me a little too strongly, but it felt like she was really interested in what I had to say, and she was really comfortable letting her hair down and goofing around with me.

When I see guys attempting to talk to and approach girls, I think that most BBW ignore them and walk away because you guys are asking questions that they know you don’t care about, such as “what’s your major”, “what’s your job.”. Now there’s nothing wrong with such questions, but it seems like you guys are applying the same basic template to every girl you talk to, and these girls know it. I think that a lot of women let me talk to them simply because not only do I ask them things that I am genuinely interested in, but I also try to find out unique things about them. In a sense, I’m willing to bet that these girls don’t feel like I’m trying to apply a basic question/answer template on them as if I’m running some kind of assembly line style pick-up.

On top of that, I’m willing to let a few of my personality quirks show. I’m going to take a few verbal jabs at a busty girl, and I’m going to make a few attempts to put my style of humor on display. She may not even like it all that much, but what a lot of girls, they’re going to like the fact that I am almost about who I am, the fact that I’m honest with my conversation and not trying to apply a generic template, and the fact that I’m trying my best to get to know who they really are. There’s nothing wrong with wanting sex from a plus size woman, and letting her know it, but when you approach and talk to her, you gotta put yourself in her position and give her a reason to want to talk to you and give you a legit chance to win her over.













