• The benefits of laughter / good humor
  • Promotes longevity
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Helps psychological well-being
  • It is good for the cardiovascular system
  • Why is laughter good for the heart?
  • No laughter: the risks

Have you ever noticed how long you laugh every day? It only takes 15 minutes, every day, to activate a series of chain beneficial effects that involve our entire body: laughing is good for the heart and beyond. Laughter is a natural anti-stress, which subjects our body to a state of “positive stress”, thus carrying out an important preventive function. The advantages are such that many doctors, psychologists, and scientists have studied the effects and consequences on the body, discovering that a minimal effort like that of smiling every day is good for us.



First of all, laughter promotes longevity: on the one hand, smiling rejuvenates the face for an average of 3 years and, on the other hand, makes one perceive one’s life as longer than a few years. Predictably, it is also a powerful antistress and antidepressant: the reason for this effect lies in the increase in the production of adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin following a burst of laughter. These are the hormones that have the task of releasing natural morphine, endorphins, starting a virtuous circle whereby we are better, smile more, produce more hormones, and maintain a happy balance.


Not everyone knows that laughing strengthens the immune system. This happens because laughter is associated with a general relaxation of the body that allows our antibodies to react faster in the case of threats. In particular, according to what emerges from a study by Dr. Lee S. Berk of the University of Loma Linda in California, smiling increases the number of cells called “Natural Killer”, ie those responsible for killing viruses, making the immune response more effective. In addition, other experimental studies on “laughter therapy” have found an increase in the level of antibodies in the mucous membranes of the nose and respiratory tract.


The neurological and psychological benefits of laughter are also broad. Many studies underline how the exercise of a smile and a good mood represents a real training ground for the brain. A sincere smile also helps in the field of interpersonal relationships: in fact, those who smile tend to establish relationships more naturally, immediately stimulating empathy and facilitating connections between individuals.


The benefits of laughter and smiling are, therefore, scientifically proven wide-ranging, for this reason, the research field is expanding and the latest results add a new benefit to which we have already mentioned: laughing is good for you. to the heart and cardiovascular system. So let’s see how and why.


Measuring how laughing is good for the heart is not an easy task, so much so that the studies on it tested on humans are still few. The one created by the University of Maryland stands out, presented in 2005, on the occasion of a meeting of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Subjects who participated in the experiment were asked to watch the fun, light-hearted films such as “Everyone’s Mad About Mary” and dramatic, “stressful” features such as Steven Spielberg’s acclaimed “Saving Private Ryan”, and then draw some of them. data. These show that during the most hilarious scenes in the films of the first group, dilation of the arteries was recorded up to 50%. The effect is that it increases blood flow like during an aerobic exercise session.

These elements have led some doctors to hypothesize that laughter can work as a daily exercise: 15 minutes spent laughing would be a real panacea for our circulatory system and could also have an important preventive function of cardiovascular risks. In this sense, it is interesting to observe the results of another research conducted on subjects returning from myocardial infarction: half an hour a day of effective humor and laughter has concretely reduced the risk of relapse and the increase in pressure.

In short, laughing places the cardiovascular system in a situation of positive stress. In other words, it is as if it trains the blood vessels to continually dilate, facilitating blood flow in the body and reducing the risks associated with vasoconstriction which tends to reduce the functionality of the arteries.


Laughing seems, therefore, to put us in an iron barrel, ensuring a healthy balm for our body without effort. However, it is not always easy to carve out even just 15 minutes a day for a sincere laugh. The cases in which stress negatively impacts the human body are growing, especially in Europe: this is what happens, for example, to those suffering from burnout also known as work-related stress syndrome.

According to experts, moreover, the number of heart attacks is also destined to increase precisely because of a negative climate, exacerbated by the economic crisis and made heavier by the concerns, including health. The criticality is represented by the fact that the relationship between negative stress and the risk of various pathologies feeds itself in the absence of the lightness of a heartfelt laugh. In a “no” period, we smile less and this does not help our body to deal with the small and big problems that can happen to us.

In this context, integrative healthcare comes to our aid. Taking out a medicare insurance policy such as Family Protection allows us to face many concerns related to our health and that of our heart with more serenity, starting from waiting times for visits up to the costs of blood tests, to the prevention of metabolic syndrome. , services and specialist medical examinations, at the affiliated facilities. We remember that laughter and smile are precious allies from a preventive point of view, but they are not sufficient tools: those who, for reasons of genetic familiarity, for example, are at risk of this type of disorder should not underestimate the constant monitoring of their health and lifestyle, making sure to have someone close at hand. to trust and to rely on, even smiling will certainly be easier.

We have explained why laughing is good for the heart, now we just have to put into practice advice and be happier, serene, and healthy.