AOL Mail is known for it’s quick response. whenever someone sends to your aol account, it will be received with in Nano seconds. But sometimes, emails might be delaying. Besides this, users don’t receive emails on their account. even they have waited for more than an hour.

That might be happening because of incorrect mail filters or forwarding settings. here in this blog, I am sharing the quick guides to fix the aol mail not receiving emails problems: you may apply it on your devices.

Techniques to fix the aol mail not receiving emails problem-

Check the mail settings- 

If you are currently unable to access the aol account on the phone or computer. Please check the aol mail settings and make the changes into these settings.

  1. Clear all types of filters from the aol account.
  2. Turn off the auto forwarding feature on your account too.
  3. Delete the browser cookies.
  4. Update the mail settings too.
  5. Reset the aol account settings.

Fix the browser- 

After changing the browser settings, you should update the browser settings too. there might be an issue with the browser settings. So delete the current account and then retry to access the webmail again.

  1. Clear the cookies on the browser.
  2. Delete other type of browsing data too.
  3. Update the browser too.
  4. Reset the browser.
  5. uninstall and install the newer browser.

Update the mail settings –

If you use aol account on the mobile phone, you should check the mail settings on the phone. most probably, the aol settings are incorrect. so you should make these changes into the account.

  • Update the password on aol
  • Delete the aol settings.
  • Remove and re-add the aol account.
  • Update the mail application too.
  • Use aol official app.

Once you change these settings on the aol account, your device will start working fine. If you need brief information, please visit: why is aol mail not receiving emails?