I previously posted the many fashion errors that men make.  As an aspiring womanizer, these are some of the first things most guys need to fix, but how do they go about developing their own sense of style?  Here are a few useful tips to get you started.

1.  Wear tighter clothes

Here’s a hint, if you’re a typical man wearing an American medium, you probably need to switch to a small.  Clothes sizes in other countries are usually more in line with what you should be wearing.  Even if you’re a little chubby, you should probably be wearing tighter clothes than you are now … but work on losing the extra pounds fat boy.  Wearing tighter clothes has the benefit of showing you what your prominent features are, both good and bad.  Knowing this will help guide you as you construct your new wardrobe.

2.  Don’t change your look too quick

Trust me, I made this mistake.  The new clothes may make you feel better at first, but once you really settle into them, you’ll probably realize that they’re incongruent with the image that you’re projecting with your game.  Even worse, you may adapt your game to your clothes instead of your natural personality.

3.  Find role models for your new look

The Sartorialist is a good place to start, but there are plenty of others.  What you’ll find is that the looks you find appealing may be incongruent with each other.  That’s okay, but now what you need to do is figure out which of these looks would actually look good on you.  Are you short and broad, but your role model is tall and skinny?  Sorry dude, his outfit probably won’t look good on you.

4.  Your hair is part of your style too!

How is your hair style?  Your facial hair?  These are key.  These should go with the outfit.  Trying to look rugged?  A couple days of scruff will help.  Want to look clean cut in a custom suit.  Get a fresh haircut and shave, unless you’re one of those who can pull off the suit with scruff look.

Once your game is tight, you can dress like Roosh and still pull, but until you get there, you need to fix things up.








