We all believe it’s challenging to lose weight. But we often ignore that plenty of people have difficulties gaining weight. Indeed! Despite the fact that for many people, being skinny is a goal end, being stick-thin is neither appealing nor fit and active. Weight loss might be challenging for some individuals but weight gain or gain muscle could be equally challenging.

There are several ways that people might gain weight. The easiest strategy is to consume more calories collectively while emphasizing a mixed diet. We have researched and curated the best foods for weight gain.

Let’s Study Each of Them in Detail:

Potatoes are packed with nutrients such as potassium and vitamin supplements. They contain a lot of calories that promote muscle gain. As an illustration, 100 grams of steamed or cooked potatoes include the elements potassium, calcium, vitamin C, carbohydrates, and more. In addition to being healthy, potatoes are also adaptable and yummy.

They may be used as a full meal or a side salad. Additionally, you may cook them either by steaming, boiling, or frying.


Rice is among the very popular and inexpensive calorie sources for weight gain. Rice is a nutritious meal as well. A single dish may soon provide you with a lot of calories and carbohydrates. Even though you don’t have a good appetite, this encourages you to consume more.

Milk has a healthy mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Additionally, it’s a top calcium resource. Casein proteins present in milk help to promote muscle building. Additionally, a study found that drinking milk while lifting weights promotes muscle growth. One glass of milk every day is all you need.

Bananas are widely accessible throughout the year. it is a great choice for promoting healthy weight gain. Since they are a great provider of protein-rich carbohydrates, bananas can help you gain weight quickly when eaten properly. They are indeed an excellent source of nutrients as well as carbohydrates and protein.

Dry Fruits
Because of their high nutritional content, dried fruits are a perfect pick for weight gain. They also provide dense supplies of carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals that are excellent for complete well-being and body growth. The finest dry fruits to include in your diet for ideal weight are peanuts, walnuts, and almonds.

Pumpkin Seeds
Eating pumpkin seeds is considered among the finest methods to put on weight if you’re trying to increase the number of nutritious carbohydrates in your routine. Pumpkin seeds provide appropriate vitamins such as carbohydrates, zinc, iron, potassium, fiber, good fats, and calcium, all of which contribute to their nutritious composition (10). Because your diet plan already includes healthy fats, these add beneficial nutrients to it.

Cheese is a delicious and ideal choice if you’re looking to include a calorie-dense dairy product in your diet plan. It is widely consumed and is offered in a variety of ways. The various kinds of cheese, including parmesan, cheddar, cream cheese, mozzarella, white, and gourmet, are excellent providers of calcium and iron. This cheese helps you develop strong bones and strengthen your muscles.

Whole Grain
Because whole grains are high in glucose, they are an excellent choice for gaining weight. It is also an excellent source of nutrition. Whole grains provide you with sustained energy and a robust amount of carbohydrates, in contrast to processed grains like white flour.

Since avocados contain a lot of carbs, they are regarded as one of the finest fruits for weight gain. Avocados have dense carbohydrates and are abundant in healthy plant components, nutrients, and minerals, in contrast to other fruit.

Eggs are a great option if you’re seeking for the best meal to develop muscle. High-quality carbohydrates and nutritious fats work well together to promote weight maintenance. You must eat the entire egg every day if you really want to put on weight since the yolk contains all the healthy elements present in the egg. If you do not have egg sensitivity, you can safely eat two or three eggs according to your appetite.

These are some of the most nutritious and healthy foods for weight gain. However, consuming more calories on a regular basis than you burn off is the key to weight gain.

Focusing on protein, body-supporting meals is necessary for balanced weight gain. An individual can achieve their targets by consuming a variety of meals, even if it may take some time to reach their target.

To determine appropriate targets, it is essential to speak with a professional dietician and nutritionist before making any significant dietary changes. They will help you make a perfect diet plan according to your body type and appetite. Not every weight gain technique is suitable for everyone.

If you don’t have time to step out and look for dieticians, there are many dieticians available online as well. Get professional home services and get an ideal weight.