Difficult times necessitate stern leaders.

Agility, pivoting, testing, and serving have all been common denominators for businesses that have survived and even grown.

Everyone’s future is unclear, but you still have influence over how you cope with it and what you do about it.

The purpose of this list is to:- The goal is straightforward: to assist you in producing more with less. To take advantage of the “low-hanging fruit” that can help you develop your consumer base and income.

You want to work wisely, productively, and efficiently as an apparel company. Instead of continually putting out flames and feeling stressed, you want to be one step ahead.

The 14 actions have been proven to be effective! They can also work for you if you use them correctly.

You want a healthy business with a steady stream of repeat clients. That is why we have created this user-friendly e-guide. To provide you with strategies that WORK! To provide you with clarity on what activities you need to do right away in order to get RESULTS.

  • Organize, organize, organize.

You’ll have a hard time growing your brand if you don’t have a solid plan in place.

You had a vision and a goal when you first began your business. That objective might shift or remain steadfast. The method through which you achieve your goal should be adaptable. Sit down once a year (ideally every quarter) and make a plan. Reverse engineer your objective and assign actual due dates to the milestones you need to meet each quarter.

Also, always have a backup plan in case anything unexpected occurs. You must be flexible and adapt to the changing market since the garment business changes at a quick pace. Plus, unexpected events might occur, and you’ll want to be prepared in case they do.


  • Provide an outstanding user experience for your customers

It’s all about the internet these days! Now, more than ever, it’s important to be creative. The fashion sector is worth $3 trillion. In 2022, global e-commerce revenue is estimated to reach $713 billion. That implies that companies with a fantastic multichannel experience will have a lot of chances.

Your website should be current, mobile/device compatible, user-friendly, quick, secure, engaging, and shopping-optimized.

  • SEO

Where do people go when they’re looking for something? Online!!! To fuel the SEO machine, you’ll want to make sure your website is well-structured and loaded with content.

Every piece of text on your website should be carefully crafted to complement and assist your SEO efforts.

The algorithm works like this: the more words, the better. That’s why a thorough About You page, a blog section with weekly blog updates, and extremely descriptive product description texts are all essential.

You want Google to show your website first when someone searches for a certain product.

  • Video should be used in all places

On all platforms, video is the most popular type of content. Make video a priority in your life! On all platforms, you may leverage video at every single touchpoint with your consumers. Remember, it doesn’t have to be flawless; simply complete it and post it online. You may make product demonstration movies, present your staff, and undertake behind-the-scenes work. All of these will help you build a stronger bond with your consumers.


  • Payment options that are both secure and diverse

When you sell something online, you have the option of shipping it anywhere around the globe. Depending on where your consumer is from, they are used to using their own payment method or at the very least one that is extremely widespread and safe. Make sure your online store has numerous large and well-known payment partners so that clients feel secure shopping with you.

Also, provide your consumers with options other than purchasing on credit. This, by the way, may be an entirely separate company plan that generates additional income for you.

  • Invest in technology – invest in automation programmers, tools, and technology.

Consider this: when your brand expands, you can only do so much, and your staff is already operating at full capacity. There comes a point where you must work smarter, not harder, or enlist the help of even more people. Examine the many automation tools that may be used. You will save time and reduce or eliminate human mistakes as a result of this.

Here are a few examples of where systems can be implemented:

  1. Product development and logistics
  2. Customer Service
  3. Logistics and storage
  • Maintain organization by implementing systems.

The more crucial it is to be organized, the more your brand expands, and the more important it is to stay organized. Running a well-organized business entails conserving time, and money, and having everyone on your team operate in a calm manner. Free technologies like Asana, Trello, and Google Docs can be used. It does not have to be extravagant. Implement processes in areas such as product development, time frames, leads, marketing, inventory monitoring, and any other tasks your garment firm is working on.

You want everyone on board with what has to be done, and you want to make sure that if someone falls sick or goes on vacation, the remainder of the team can cover for them seamlessly.

  • Expand your consumer base and increase your revenue!

Reduce the amount of time, stress, and errors in your business.

Take your items to a level you couldn’t have reached on your own at this time.

Make a market-leading product in your field.

Boost your earnings and your status as a brand owner.

Expand your brand to improve revenue and reach a larger audience.

  • Customer leverage through collaborations

This isn’t the only factor that might have a significant and rapid influence on your company’s growth and consumer base.

Collaboration with other businesses is the quickest approach to expanding your client base. You may harness the consumer base of other non-competing but complimentary companies by working with them. You’ll invite them into your universe, and they’ll eventually become loyal consumers.

  • Product testing and re-testing

There are a lot of things on the market that are introduced much too early. They are market-ready, completed, and wonderful goods long before they are truly market-ready, finished, and fantastic things. A final product should be made of the appropriate material for the product’s intended use, have a suitable fit, and be well-made.

This can only be accomplished via careful product development and testing. Iterate, make changes, optimize, make improvements, make changes, give feedback, iterate, optimize, revise, refine, iterate, and You can’t have a long-term, profitable business if your products aren’t good.

  • Increase your profit margins

Many brands don’t do enough of this. We understand; it’s a never-ending slog, a never-ending struggle as seasons change, currencies vary, and material prices fluctuate. However, you must design your product pricing every season, on every single product in your collection, to guarantee that your firm is profitable. Naturally, some of your goods will have low margins, but they can always be increased, even by a few percentage points. And those few percentage points can have a significant influence on your bottom line.

  • Bundles and up-sells should be introduced

Despite the fact that this is a no-brainier, many companies overlook it.

Create a bundle with those goods at a still-discounted price if you have many that suit well together. For the shopper, it’s a bargain, and for you, it’s a money-making opportunity.

Up-sells are the same way: always offer and promote higher-priced items to get them to buy more from you.

  • Testimonials and reviews – use them as much as possible in all of your marketing channels

People are interested in what other people are interested in. It’s a fundamental aspect of the human psyche. Make it a practice to seek testimonies. Post them on all of your social media platforms to reassure individuals who are exploring your online store that making a purchase is a good choice. Allow consumers to easily submit reviews and testimonials.

  • Streamline your supply chain

For the number of items, many emerging firms have far too many producers. We’re not suggesting that you put all your eggs in one basket. However, by merging your producers, you will be able to get better product costs and faster delivery in the long run. You have a completely different negotiating position, and your clothing might be of greater quality. It’s worth thinking about because you can save a lot of money by doing so.

  • Constant improvement and learning

The industry in which we work never stands static. That is to say, you must evolve, learn, and develop with it. What worked two years ago may no longer be relevant today. As a result, as a brand leader, you must have your wits about you, educate yourself on current business strategy, and seek advice from others who have done what you are attempting to achieve. Join membership clubs, worldwide industry networks, or whichever method works best for you. Simply gather many ideas and perspectives, as thinking outside the box is the most important skill in today’s business.

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