It’s no secret that the winter in Alaska is incredibly harsh, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful and inviting as well. The state has a lot to offer its visitors, from skiing and snowboarding in the alpine regions to hiking, dog sledding, and snowmobiling through the lower altitudes. Alaska’s Denali National Park, known as the Highway to the Sky, isn’t always recognized as an ideal destination during the winter season, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be one of the best trips you take this year! 

Here are a few reasons why Denali National Park Should be on your bucket list.

Away From the Clamor of the City Life 

If you live in a major metropolitan area and are looking for a getaway, there is no better place than Denali National Park. Chances are you can use a break from city life and enjoy some quality downtime in nature. If you can stand chilly winter temperatures, then you’ll be rewarded with amazing views of nature’s splendor throughout all four seasons.  The park is located in Alaska, north of Anchorage and Fairbanks. Trust us when we say, getting to it is half of the fun! 

Many people go to see wildlife but with more than 10 million acres to explore, you might find yourself encountering wildlife that you weren’t expecting. Gaze upon views so majestic that you’ll have trouble believing your eyes. There are no words that could accurately describe it; they simply must be seen!

You Cannot Miss the Northern Lights 

Denali is famously known for its breathtaking display of aurora borealis. The peak season for viewing these shimmering lights occurs in January and February, so if you visit between then and early March, there’s a good chance you’ll see a dazzling display. If that isn’t reason enough to visit Denali during winter, we don’t know what is.

Trekking out on Ruth Glacier

There’s a reason many tourists choose to trek out on Ruth Glacier when visiting Alaska: it’s easy to get to and just about as difficult as it gets. Although treks are available for all levels of skill, there is something especially breathtaking about hiking out onto a glacier. That’s not all! Not only does it offer scenic views of some of our planet’s largest glaciers, but trekking on Ruth Glacier allows you to explore unique flora and fauna in an ecosystem that can only be found at such heights in a few places around Earth.

Experience Luxury and Comfort in a Mountain House 

The mountain houses are ideal for anyone who wants to experience the natural beauty of Denali National Park while getting more comforts than what they would otherwise have while camping out in nature alone. If you want to experience luxury like never before, we recommend that you book your stay at Sheldon Chalet.

Nestled in the scenic Talkeetna Mountains, Sheldon Chalet is one of the top-rated hotels in the world and an ideal base camp for winter explorations of nearby Denali National Park. The chalet features five spacious yet cozy cabins and gorgeous indoor/outdoor common areas with stunning views of spectacular Mount McKinley. With the eco-conscious design, high-quality finishes and furnishings, and spectacular amenities, Sheldon Chalet offers year-round expeditions into some of North America’s most magnificent landscapes.

Are you planning to pay the spectacular Denali mountains a visit? To ensure that you are your loved ones have the time of their life, book a luxurious stay at Sheldon Chalet.