Are you eager to venture into the white blonde arena? The Netflix release of the Marilyn Monroe movie ‘Blonde’ has revived the trend of platinum blonde hair, and while we absolutely love a good hair transformation at a Clapham hair salon, there is a lot to discuss and consider when it comes to this shade in particular.

Here is our 8 Step Guide to things you wish you knew before going white blonde:

Consult Your Calendar 

Transforming your hair to a chic platinum blonde is a decision that shouldn’t be made impulsively. A bright white head of hair is a major transformation that will take some time for you to get used to. Especially if you haven’t done it before, chances are it will take you about a week to come to terms with your new look.

Unless you have an event like a wedding or family gathering to attend in a few days, we would recommend taking on this transformation in a week where you don’t have any big plans.

The Many Shades of White 

If you were under the impression that there was only one shade of white, then you might want to do some research before paying a visit to your hairdresser in Clapham. White can vary from a warm, creamy bleach to an almost purple, pearly white, so it is advisable to put some thought into what you are really after. While your beloved hairdresser may be able to guide you based on your skin tone, the last thing you want is to end up with something you are not happy with.

The Lengthy Process

Stripping away all the colour in your hair is not a speedy process, and the longer your hair is, the longer it takes. Be ready to sit down for an average of 4 hours for this transformation. Don’t be surprised if having layers upon layers of bleach applied to your scalp will be uncomfortable. You might think that you are experiencing an allergic reaction from the burning pain, but it is a totally normal part of the process. Bleach burns. We would recommend wearing something cool and comfortable to your appointment.

Very High Maintenance 

This goes beyond the actual bleaching and toning at the salon. Before your appointment, it is a good idea to hop on your phone and key in “keratin treatment salon near me” and pre-treat your hair with a healthy amount of protective oils to prepare it from the damaging effects of the bleach.

After your appointment, your hair will be depleted of a lot of its goodness (pigment, protein and oils) and might feel weak and damaged – especially if you have a very fine texture or light blonde tones. It would be wise to book another hair treatment in Clapham after the process to moisturise and nourish your hair back to health.

In Conclusion 

If you are going to do it, don’t do it cheap. The only thing scarier than bleaching your hair bright white is doing it somewhere that doesn’t take appropriate care. If you have put some serious thought into this hair transformation, then there is no better time than now to embark on this new journey of glamour!