Hyperhidrosis is a disorder in which there is a noticeable increase in the amount of sweat. It may cause everyday life problems and can be uncomfortable, embarrassing, and difficult to manage. It can be caused by various factors such as trauma, injury, hormonal changes, or even stress. 

The following are effective ways to treat hyperhidrosis and improve your hygiene, health, and quality of life.

1. Botox Treatments

Hyperhidrosis can be treated through the application of botulinum toxin, also known as botox. Botox is fully approved by the FDA for the treatment of excessive sweating of the underarms. Nerves that cause sweating are blocked when the patient is injected with botox. 

Your skin is iced first and each affected area will be subjected to botox injections. Botox injections are effective for 6 to 12 months. Afterwards, the treatment needs to repeated. 

At facilities that offer botox in Kansas City, or at a location nearer to you, there are medical experts who help you with botox injections and guide you effectively during the treatment process. 

Some doctors also use botox to treat excessive sweating in the palms of hands and also on the soles of the feet. Botox functions by hindering the release of a chemical that triggers sweat glands to activate.

2. Antiperspirant and Antidepressants Prescription

Antiperspirant is one of the most popular over-the-counter products. The active ingredients in antiperspirants can be found in various prescription and nonprescription drugs used for health purposes. 

Antiperspirants often contain aluminium chloride, which is the active ingredient in this drug that helps prevent sweating and reduce the amount of sweat on your skin. It is usually applied to the skin affected by hyperhidrosis before you go to bed.

Antidepressants are a standard treatment for depression. However, these medications can also be used to reduce hyperhidrosis in the patient. In addition, antidepressants help to lower anxiety, weakening hyperhidrosis triggers.

3. Microwave Therapy

Microwave therapy has been around for quite some time. Microwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses microwave energy to go deep into the skin. Patients would suffer from moderate to severe pain by chronic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, back pain and fibromyalgia. A microwave is delivered to a specific targeted area to destroy the sweat glands in the treatment.

The low power levels of a microwave cause tissue heating without causing any damage to the surrounding healthy tissue. Low-intensity heat therapy is effective in treating hyperhidrosis.

4. Sweat Gland Removal

Sweat is an important part of the human body’s cooling system. If you are too hot or have a condition that causes excessive sweating, it can be helpful to remove the sweat glands in your armpits. If the sweat is mostly coming from your armpits, you will need to have them removed by a doctor or a plastic surgeon. A doctor will most likely remove them through surgery. A personal reflection was that the sweat glands were removed from my armpit, leaving it quite dry.

5. Nerve Surgery (Sympathectomy)

The surgeon cuts, burns, or clamps the spinal nerves that control sweating in your hands during this procedure. Sympathectomy is a surgical procedure that is used to destroy the sympathetic nerve, a nerve that helps control sweating.

his procedure treats various conditions such as hyperhidrosis, which is excessive sweating. This may be done as an outpatient procedure or require hospitalization, depending on the doctor’s preference. Sometimes, this area of the body is shaved and numbed beforehand. Local anaesthesia will numb the area and provide pain relief.


Hyperhidrosis is a common disorder which affects many people in some way or another. It is characterized by overactive skin sweating and can cause severe discomfort. The ways mentioned above are used to treat hyperhidrosis in affected patients effectively.