When you have an art history aficionado in your family or friend group, it can be difficult to hit the nail on the head when giving them gifts– especially if you yourself can’t relate to their avocation.

Fortunately, there are plenty of great art museum gifts stores that offer stellar gifts for those art history buffs that you know and love! One such great example is the Museum of Fine Arts Boston Shop. They even have a convenient online shop for you to peruse and from which to purchase high-quality items!

Without further ado, here are just five great art museum gift ideas for those who enjoy art history!

1. Books
It is quite likely that this person in your life thoroughly enjoys learning about various art history facts. Books are an excellent way to show your appreciation for their enjoyment of art history and to provide them with a book they will very likely read and enjoy!

The topics of these books can drastically vary, such as solely focusing on one artist and their works and/or life or a specific art era. Any type of book you select will provide readers with gorgeous art to view and in-depth background information on each piece and artist.

2. Small Decorations and Collectibles
Gifting this important person in your life with something they can display in their home, office, or other location is never a bad idea– especially if it relates to their favorite hobby! Fortunately, art museum gifts stores like MFA Boston have countless collectibles available to choose from.

If collectibles aren’t their style, even opting for classic decorations, like Monet water lilies luminaries or themed snow globes, can bode exceptionally well for them!

3. Stationery
If your loved one uses stationery, such as writing postcards, letters, or in journals, then you can’t go wrong with gifting them artistic stationery! That way, whenever they are sending quick, thoughtful cards to loved ones or writing themselves a helpful reminder, they are using particularly colorful options that boast their favorite art pieces.

4. Prints/Posters
One of the most classic decorative elements that people place in their homes to add a unique flair is art. However, for art history fans, not just any art will do. They more likely than not would prefer to hang a memorable piece of art that they are passionate about and from an artist they feel a deeper connection with.

When you purchase a print or a poster for your friend or family member, you’re gifting them with a decorative art image (most likely a painting or drawing), and you will very likely make their year! You can purchase replicas of famous paintings from their most admired artist, then choose to either frame them or not. Either way, they will love this carefully thought-out gift!

5. Puzzles
If you know full well that this person loves putting together puzzles, then you can also try gifting them a puzzle from an art museum’s gift shop! You can select from a wide range of puzzle attributes, since they come in various sizes, puzzle piece counts, and images.

One fine example to consider is this beautiful 1000-piece puzzle of Claude Monet’s “The Japanese Footbridge” at the MFA Boston!

Now that you have a better idea of what will evoke unequivocal joy from your art history fanatic, you should investigate all of these options–and then some– at the MFA Boston! This online art museum gifts store is fraught with perfect gifts for anyone in your life, from puzzles and prints to books and beyond. Check out their extensive online store today!

For more information about Matted Art Prints and Art Posters Prints Please Visit : Museum of Fine Arts – Boston