It’s always nice to be able to grow some of your own food, and plants are one of the easiest and most enjoyable things to grow. Not only will you save money on them, but they’ll also enrich your home with their green foliage, colorful flowers, and unique aromas. Complete care guide of all these plants is available on growncares, a platform to read for all gardening lovers. Take a look at these five different plants that are easy to care for and produce delicious and healthy fruits, flowers, or vegetables – it may even inspire you to start your own little garden!

Peace Lily

The peace lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii) is a popular, easy-to-grow flowering plant. The species was given its common name due to its origins: It’s native to Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. These tropical plants are known for their ability to thrive indoors in low light conditions and bring an air of peace into any room with their peaceful nature.


Also known as money plant or cobra lily, dischidia is an amazing tropical plant that can cleanse indoor air by removing toxins like benzene and formaldehyde. To do so, it produces microscopic leaf hairs called trichomes. Trichomes are also useful for you – they capture dust particles and trap them with sticky threads, preventing them from spreading through your house.

Jade Plant

The Jade Plant is a very easy and simple plant to care for. It doesn’t need much sunlight and you don’t have to water it too often, so it makes for a great houseplant. This is also one of my favorites since they come in many different sizes, which allows you to keep them at any height around your house.

Snake Plant

A very common houseplant, it’s best known for its glossy, sword-shaped leaves and clean white flower. It doesn’t need a lot of sunlight (though it should be brought outside during summer months) and can last for several years if taken care of properly. That said, as long as you don’t overwater it (plants hate that), or put it somewhere with too much direct sunlight, you’ll be fine. It also cleans toxins from its surrounding air.


Many people are aware of their ability to clean air, but it is also a great houseplant for beginners. Pothos has woody stems and long trailing vines, making it look beautiful when placed on a shelf or ledge. As they produce oxygen at night while you sleep, they make an excellent addition to any bedroom. Some pothos varieties have waxy leaves that give off a scent similar to grapefruit when rubbed; other varieties feature variegated or yellow-spotted leaves.