Photo by Max Vakhtbovych from Pexels

Nowadays, innovative technology can be found in almost every home part. However, one spot is uncommon to see in the restroom. In most houses, you’re likely to discover simply ordinary furniture, a mirror, and a shower from decades ago.


If you’re searching for ways to incorporate innovative technology into your bathroom, here are five of the most creative ways to modernize your shower.


New technology innovations are taking over the bathing space. If you’re on the market for a unique shower, consider these intelligent technologies for transforming your plain bathroom into a beautiful bathing place.

1. A Comfy Towel Warmer


Place your towel or robe in this towel warmer just before entering the shower, and when you’re through, you’ll pull out a toasty warm blanket. It has a capacity of two towels, blankets, robes, pajama sets, or anything else you choose to toss in there. You’ll be amazed at how long you survived without it.


2. Intelligent Showers


One of the primary benefits of intelligent showers is that they assist you in obtaining the optimal water temperature, ensuring that you only shower with water suited to your requirements.


Brilliant showers provide a variety of features that allow you to tailor your showering experience, including water pressure controls, music, and lighting, all of which can be adjusted through your smartphone. Keep in mind that when you consider upgrading your shower, it would be best to add a shower enclosure and tray to transform your bathroom into a magnificent place.


3. A Shower Speaker that Plays Music and Podcasts


In the shower, hang this waterproof speaker and listen to anything you want while getting ready for the day. Do you need to unwind before your big meeting? Allow yourself to be relaxed with meditation music. Do you need an energy boost? Play your favorite dancing music. Podcasts? What about comedic routines? If you can hear it, this little speaker will play it. It will transform your evenings and mornings.


If you’re not interested in permanently installing speakers in your shower walls, another excellent alternative is to purchase portable waterproof speakers. Consider synchronizing your smartphone with your bathroom speakers so that you may listen to anything you want while showering. This might be an excellent method to re-energize yourself before a hectic day.


Naturally, water may cause harm to your phone. Do not be afraid! A waterproof speaker enables you to stream music and podcasts wirelessly. Additionally, you may answer a call from the speaker if you get one.


Guarantee that your shower singing does not disturb your loved ones. Additionally, you may remove the speakers after you are clean and take them to the workplace or gym with you.


4. Waterproof Televisions


Because the shower is one of the most soothing rooms in the house, why would anybody not want to improve its enjoyment? One trend that is gaining popularity is waterproof televisions. This means you can binge-watch your favorite shows while bathing without fear of hurting your television.


5. Showers that Respond to Spoken Commands


How does it sound to manage your shower with your voice? Excellent, isn’t it? You may further tailor your bathing experience with a voice-activated shower. How? You may instruct Alexa to halt water flow to avoid wasting any water.


The most significant part is that these showers integrate with Google Assistant, Siri, or Alexa, so you can send instructions regardless of whatever device you’re using. Additionally, these showers provide you with control.




Consider incorporating forward-thinking elements to enhance your showering experience. While many individuals like the variety of spray choices available, switching between them may be a pain. You want to alter your shower experience without fear of falling or getting a mouthful of water if you do.


Enter high-tech alternatives that let you change sprays with the touch of a finger. Begin with a soaking bath, and then press the showerhead to switch to a soft spray to wash your face. Alternatively, touch to activate massage mode or a jet spray to relieve a painful muscle. For individuals who prefer not to reach above or are unable to do so, compact remotes may be attached anywhere in the shower. To adjust the shower spray, press the button.