Dedicated PHP developers are always your best bet when it comes to having your website developed and launched successfully, no matter what you have in mind. Here are five reasons why hiring a dedicated PHP developer will give you the best results possible, and why it’s worth the money in the long run.

1) PHP Community

According to W3Techs, more than 82% of all websites on internet run on PHP. This means that if you have ever used any website, you will have been using something that is built with PHP. Being easy and quick to learn, it was one of the first scripting languages to be widely used in web development and has continued to remain popular thanks to its flexibility and wide range of uses. No wonder businesses hire dedicated php developers for their site maintenance as well as other projects as well as you can hire dedicated php developers from any php development company.

2) Speed Of Development

Businesses want their websites up and running as quickly as possible. That’s why hiring a dedicated developer is an efficient way to get your website up and running—as opposed to having someone work on it part-time. The speed of development when you hire a dedicated PHP developer can be orders of magnitude faster than bringing on individual freelancers, designers, or programmers over time. If you have specific deadlines to meet or ambitious goals for your website in general, hiring a dedicated developer should become one of your top priorities.

3) Code Security

So many platforms (WordPress and Drupal, for example) are built on top of PHP that if you want to build anything at all, it’s nearly impossible to avoid using it. But depending on what type of site you’re building and how unique it is, relying on platform code like WordPress or Drupal may not always be your best option. Sure, these services save you time and money since they have so much infrastructure set up already—but they also take away some control over your site’s future. For example, as free as WordPress is, themes and plugins can cost hundreds of dollars per year. With a dedicated developer you can use whatever tools you want without having to pay for third-party integrations every month.

4) Cost

Having dedicated developers exclusively work on your project can be incredibly cost-effective. In fact, depending on how much you’re willing to spend, you could end up saving anywhere from 20% to 75% when hiring dedicated developers instead of using freelance resources. Additionally, with just one person working on your project (instead of having several people come and go) there is less risk that your project will be delayed or cancelled altogether. Remember, dedicated development teams typically have a long history together – so they’re able to work quickly and efficiently as a cohesive unit.

5) Support For Third-Party Libraries

If you’re looking to save time and money, hiring a dedicated php developer is your best bet. Unlike in-house developers, third-party developers have already proven themselves within your industry; they understand business concerns and internal structures, which makes them more efficient and effective. Of course, they’ll also be more expensive than in-house development; but that should be an easy decision to make when you look at their long-term value. After all, do you want to hire someone who is always learning about your organization or someone who knows it inside and out? Hiring a dedicated php developer allows for support for third-party libraries.

Also Read : Top 20 PHP Web App Development Companies in 2021