With the upcoming hurricane season, getting property inspections to update your insurance policies can be the best safeguard against nature’s wrath. Several clauses in any insurance policy can render your insurance invalid. For example, if your roof is 15 years or older, the insurance carrier is within their right to cancel your policy and deny any claims. This will lead to you having to foot the entirety of the repair bills in case of any damage. Getting regular home inspections is extremely important if you do not wish to lose your insurance policy.

Here are eight reasons why it is vital to schedule a new home inspection and save your insurance.

  1. Carries cancelling coverage for old roofs.

Having an old roof can be grounds for getting your insurance policy cancelled. However, if you schedule routine roof inspections and your roof has passed these inspections, and you have proof of maintenance and repair bills, you can enjoy the benefits and coverage.

  1. Reveals Illegal installations.

If you recently purchased a home, you need to be wary of the construction until it passes an inspection. Having illegal additions or installations is grounds for getting your insurance claims denied. Getting an inspection makes you aware of any such unlawful additions.

  1. Health hazards.

A new home can get infested with mold or water damage. In case these are caused due to negligence in maintenance, the provider can cancel your insurance. Routinely getting an inspection ensures that you do not get blindsided by these infestations and their reasons.

  1. Carries will not insure your home.

If a particular criterion is not maintained when you apply for an insurance policy, the carrier can decline your insurance application. Having a professional evaluate your home before applying gives you the chance to fix these issues beforehand.

  1. Roofs do not last as long.

Despite the claims of a roof lasting over 30 years by your seller, in places like Florida, they cannot maintain the same structural integrity after a mere 15 years. This means your roof will take damage, and without proper examination, you will fail to repair the damage, which will violate your insurance policy.

  1. Insurance law supports insurance carriers.

Since the local law favors the insurance providers, it is crucial to maintain records of any repairs and have routine home inspection reports to claim your insurance when necessary. Without proper records, carriers can easily deny your claims.

  1. Documents any damage, professionally.

When you claim your insurance, the carrier will ask for detailed documentation of damage reports. This can only be provided by a qualified property inspection professional.

  1. Maintains home inventory

If your home has insurance for the furniture and everything in the house, a home inspection can help you maintain an inventory. This will grant you an official document with your entire inventory, making it easier to claim your insurance.