If you want to have healthy teeth and gums, you need to pay sufficient attention to your diet and oral hygiene. However, many people don’t know how to take care of their teeth and gums properly because of various misconceptions. In this article, we have gathered nine debunked myths about oral hygiene that you shouldn’t believe in.

1. You can brush your teeth once a day

Dentists recommend brushing your teeth twice a day, in the morning before meals and in the evening after meals. This can help remove dental plaque and food particles from your mouth and prevent bacteria overgrowth. Regular tooth brushing can help prevent bad breath, tooth discoloration, gum disease, tartar accumulation, and tooth decay. 

2. Flossing is not essential

There is a common misconception that you can skip the flossing routine if you brush your teeth thoroughly. However, a toothbrush can’t reach the space between your teeth where dental plaque and food particles tend to get stuck and contribute to bacteria overgrowth. That’s why it is essential to use dental floss daily. 

3. Whitening toothpaste can bleach your teeth 

Due to the content of abrasive particles, whitening toothpaste can remove some stains from the surface of your teeth. But it doesn’t contain bleaching agents to make your teeth snow-white. If you want to bleach your teeth, you may undergo in-office teeth whitening or use special kits at home.

4. You need to brush your teeth hard

Some people believe that the harder they brush their teeth, the more bacteria, plaque, and other debris they remove. But you should understand that aggressive tooth brushing can do more harm than good since it can lead to the removal of tooth enamel and gum damage. 

5. Proper oral hygiene prevents all oral issues

Proper oral hygiene can help prevent the development of many oral issues, but there are some conditions that don’t depend on you. For example, gum disease can be hereditary or you can lose a  tooth during an accident. That’s why you still need to visit a dentist twice a year for examination or schedule a dental appointment if you have some symptoms. 

6. You should brush your teeth right after eating

Many people think that it is essential to brush their teeth immediately after eating. But the truth is that acids in foods and drinks can soften your tooth enamel and it can be easily removed during tooth brushing. So it is better to wait for at least 30 minutes after eating and only then brush your teeth. 

7. It is not necessary to brush baby teeth

It is essential to understand that baby teeth in children require no less attention than permanent teeth. This is because kids can also develop gum disease, tooth decay, and many other oral issues if they don’t maintain proper oral hygiene. Regular visits to a pediatric dentist are also important since untreated baby teeth can affect the developing permanent teeth. 

8. Only poor oral hygiene causes gum disease

As mentioned above, gum disease can occur if you have a family history of this condition. However, there are some other factors that can also increase your likelihood of gum inflammation. The most common of them are smoking, aging, hormonal changes, obesity, and vitamin C deficiency

9. You can chew gum instead of brushing your teeth

If you don’t have the ability to brush your teeth, chewing gum can help clean your teeth a little. But it doesn’t mean that you may replace toothbrushing with chewing gum on a regular basis. Tooth brushing and flossing remove debris from all surfaces of your teeth while chewing gum can’t perform this task.