People who have managed to gain employment in Australia may be eligible to apply for the Global Talent Visa subclass 858. This visa will allow you to live and work in Australia, which can be an excellent opportunity if you are an international citizen with marketable skills or training. Because this visa allows you to apply for permanent residency, it’s one of the most popular options among skilled migrants moving to Australia.

Here’s all you need to know about this particular visa.

What Is The Subclass 858 Visa?

The subclass 858 visa is for eligible skilled migrants looking to live, work and study in Australia. It’s a provisional visa that allows holders to stay in Australia for 4 years and 2 months, during which time they can apply for their permanent residence visa known as ‘subclass 186’.

To be eligible for an 858 visa, you must be nominated by an Australian state or territory government agency (or an approved sponsor) who will support your application. Nomination requirements vary depending on where you’re applying from. Still, applicants must generally have at least two years of relevant experience, including one year of full-time experience within the last three years.

What Are The Benefits Of Talent Visa 858?

  • The visa provides applicants with a temporary right of entry to Australia, which means that even if your application is rejected, you will still have time to apply for another visa.
  • The applicant may work in Australia while waiting for their permanent residence application to be processed; however, they must be sponsored by an eligible employer.
  • Applicants granted a subclass 858 visa will not need to obtain any other visas or permits to stay in Australia and can bring family members with them.
  • Applicants who hold or previously held certain types of visas (for example, subclass 457) may also be able to apply for permanent residency under certain circumstances.

What is the Visa 858 Processing time?

The usual processing time is four weeks, and non-substantive applications are finalized even earlier. However, applications can be delayed if the information is missing or there are queries for specific details. Some visa applications may take longer than expected because of third-party certifications and checks (such as migration status), which may take additional time to complete.

How To Apply For The Global Talent Visa Subclass 858?

  • First, they must have an employer who is able and willing to sponsor them while they are staying in Australia. They cannot come and work in Australia if they do not have sponsorship from an employer.
  • In addition, applicants must prove that there will be no potential negative impact on unemployment levels in the country by hiring them from overseas.

What is the cost of Visa 858?

The visa cost can vary depending on where you apply, but generally speaking, it will be between $400 and $850. And, yes, an additional price is associated with putting your application forward.

The government charges an upfront fee for permanent residency; however, that figure rises if you apply through one of Australia’s skilled migration programs.

Additionally, if you opt for a Migration Agent Australiayou must also pay a service fee.