Avast is one of the most widely used antivirus and anti-malware software, especially in the free version. Sometimes, however, it can disturb the workflow, or it does not recognize some files and programs, preventing them from starting or installing. In these cases, it may be useful to disable the antivirus totally or partially. You will see in this guide how to temporarily disable Avast on Windows, Mac, and Android or how to uninstall it completely and cancel your subscription.

How to cancel avast automatic renewal

If you decide to disable or suspend the entire antivirus package temporarily, know that your PC will again be subject to malware and other problems during the time spent without protection. In any case, let’s see how to disable Avast on Windows. By right-clicking on the icon, a drop-down menu will open with various options to temporarily disable the program. You can choose to do this for 10 minutes, one hour, until the next system reboot, or indefinitely.

Please select the option that best suits your needs, always considering that the option to disable the antivirus permanently is not recommended in most cases, as it makes the PC vulnerable indefinitely.

To check that the deactivation has been successful, open the program’s main window: if it appears red and confirms that the protection “shields” are deactivated, you have a free hand. Any such operation can be undone with a few clicks, so don’t be afraid to create irreparable situations.

Disable Avast on Mac

If you have a Mac, disabling Avast is pretty much the same. In the menu bar, look for the orange antivirus icon, and select Open Avast from the drop-down menu that will open. By going to Preferences, you can disable the individual functions of the program by simply clicking on the Disable button relating to each of the Avast modules (Email protection, File protection, Web protection).

In the case of the Mac, you will need the computer administrator password to disable Avast. As above, if you change your mind or no longer need to keep the antivirus off, go back to the Avast Preferences menu and select Enable.

And on Android?

Perhaps not everyone knows that antivirus systems are also useful for protecting mobile devices from attacks and malware. Therefore, if you use your Smartphone to access your bank account or care about the security of your data, it is advisable to subscribe to an antivirus, even free of charge.

Specifically, the Avast app protects Android in real-time from phishing, spam phone calls, and SMS and infected sites. To temporarily disable Avast on an Android phone, you must start the application and select the Settings option in the sandwich menu at the top left.

A screen will open from which to select Protection: here, you can move, just like in the desktop version, the cursor from the ON position to OFF. To disable browser and website protection, turn off the Web Protection Lite function; on Android, you can temporarily disable protection from non-certified apps, SMS, and PUPs (probably unwanted programs). Exactly as in the other cases described, return the lever to the ON position to reactivate the individual Avast modules.

How to disable automatic renewal

One of the reasons that often lead users to lose patience with some proprietary software that exists, both free and paid, is the constant request to renew the terms of the subscription. How to turn off Avast automatic renewal? You will need to log in to the Avast Customer portal and enter the ID and password when registering with the portal.

Then select Find order, and then manage subscription. If you want to temporarily or permanently disable Avast’s automatic renewal notifications, choose Disable automatic renewal. It is possible to be faced with exceptions or particular cases in any case.

In any case, know that the automatic renewal option is managed individually for each different product. Therefore, if you have multiple Avast packages, you will have to cancel the receipt of notifications for each product.

How to disable Avast forever, or how to uninstall antivirus?

  • Windows: A good antivirus for scanning files at risk of malware can be very convenient if you use Windows. Uninstalling it is very simple. Start the process by pressing Start and then selecting the gear on the left side of the menu.

You will access the Settings, then select App, and then Avast Free Antivirus (or whatever the name of the Avast product you have subscribed to).

  • Mac / iOS: If you are using a Mac, you may find that a paid antivirus is not strictly necessary. To uninstall it, open Avast from the top-right menu bar.

On the dialogue box opened by the program, you will find Avast Security. By selecting this item, a drop-down menu will open from which you can easily select the Uninstall item.

  • Android: If the Avast app for Android is what you want to uninstall forever, the process is just as simple. You will have to access the drawer or the list of all the apps installed on your smartphone.

By making a long tap on the Avast icon, you can drag it – depending on the model – to a box where it is written Uninstall or to a trash can icon. In case your mobile is a little more hostile than expected, a good alternative is to access the Avast settings from the Google Play Store.

The solution of eliminating the antivirus can be quite dangerous, especially if you use Windows and surf online frequently. In this case, it will be good to quickly find a replacement to protect your data and your PC.