Summer is here and with it comes the scorching heat and humidity. Now, your AC unit is not just making your house feel refreshing. It is also keeping your family and your home safe from the heat. But like all things in life, it needs some TLC. If you want to extend the life of your AC unit and get the best performance, here is a guide to help you get your ac tune up for peak performance.

What is an AC tune up?

An AC tune up is a series of tests and checks that your air conditioner will undergo. Your air conditioner is checked for leaks, the filter is cleaned, and the refrigerant is checked for proper levels. These tests and checks will ensure that your air conditioner is running the way it should.

What is the best way to get your AC unit tuned up?

The best way to get your AC unit tuned up is to hire a professional. It might be a good idea to have an AC tune up every year or two. This is because the AC unit might not be working as well as it should and it could be costing you a lot of money. It would help if you also considered having your AC unit inspected by your local power company. They will be able to tell you if your AC unit is working correctly. It might be good to make sure that your AC unit is working correctly before you buy a new one. This will prevent you from buying a new one and spending a lot of money.

What to do if your AC unit is not working properly

If your AC unit is not working, you will want to check to ensure the problem is not with the thermostat or the compressor. If it is, you will want to replace them. If the issue is outside of these two parts, you will want to look at the blower motor and the condenser coils. If these are the issue, you will want to replace them. If you’re going to replace the blower motor, you will need to buy a new engine and install it. If you’re going to replace the condenser coils, you will need to purchase new locks and install them. If you are not sure what the issue is, you will want to bring it to a professional.


We hope this guide has helped you understand the many ways you can optimize your air conditioner for efficiency. We also hope that this guide has helped you know how to maintain your air conditioner and ensure that it lasts for many years. Now that you know how to optimize your air conditioner and keep it, you should be able to enjoy a cozy, comfortable home throughout the summer.