Improving your company’s tech innovation output is a viable goal but only if you know how to lead your team to success. In this article, gain some insights  into ramping up your firm’s tech production straight out of the handbook of Macropay’s Adam Clarke.

Leadership in Tech

There are many myths about becoming a tech leader. One of the most persistent is that you need to have an “assigned” role and be moved up through the ranks slowly, eventually taking on leadership responsibilities. However, every tech leadership journey is not the same.

At its core, tech leadership is about developing a vision for the future state of your team and helping others get there. It is not about micromanaging details or doing everything yourself, but rather guiding their processes so they can deliver up to the standards and timeline of the company.


Ways to Increase Tech Development Productivity

Here are a few ways to keep your tech team productive and increase the tech output.

The “Flow” State

When developers are in the “flow,” they feel most productive and focused on their tasks. A large part of what makes them successful at their job is done while they’re at this state.

Another term that can be used to describe the flow state is focus. We all know programming takes a lot of time and effort. But did you also realize that your manager plays an important role in helping focus on-task? Promoting focus and ensuring that your tech team is an environment where they can zoom in at their tasks without distractions is the key.

Work In Sprints

The idea of working in sprints is not new, but it’s gained traction recently. This approach has you making your work more efficient by breaking down larger projects into smaller pieces that can be completed within a certain time frame and then combined together at the end for greater gains.

The benefits are two-fold: firstly, progress made everyday is charted; secondly this promotes collaboration among team members because each person knows exactly what he/she needs from everyone else.


Adam Clarke on Tech Innovations

What sets apart Macropay’s Adam Clarke from other figures in technology? The answer is his ability to create solutions that bridge gaps and earn millions. He quotes, “You have to find what brings value and stay updated with current market trends and developments.”

To learn more about Adam Clarke, Macropay tech founder and CEO, click here.