While IVF is known to everyone, not many people know a lot about the IUI treatment process. In layman’s terms, intrauterine insemination (IUI) can be deemed as another impactful IVF option that involves injecting sperm into a woman’s uterus to promote fertilization. Moreover, the main goal of IUI via the IUI center in Mumbai is to increase the quantity of sperm that enters the fallopian tubes, which will increase the likelihood of fertilization.

How IUI is beneficial?

Giving the sperm a head start, this treatment gives it an advantage, but the sperm still needs to travel to the egg and fertilize it on its own. That said, when compared to IVF, this treatment option by IUI clinics is less expensive and invasive.

Furthermore, most couples with unexplainable fertility, male factor infertility, such as low sperm count or poor sperm motility, or those using donor sperm are advised to undergo IUI treatment. There are three easy steps to this process, which are as follows:

  • To determine the most fertile time, ovulation is monitored.
  • Semen collection and cleaning
  • Direct implantation of sperm into the uterus

On the other side, there are several key advantages of IUI treatment:

  • It causes less intrusion.
  • When compared to IVF and IUI treatment costs in Mumbai.
  • Less physical strain.
  • The removal of prostaglandins, infectious agents, antigenic proteins, non-motile spermatozoa, immature germ cells, and other contaminants during washing procedures improves the quality of sperm.
  • Additionally, this improves sperm quality by reducing the production of free oxygen radicals following sperm preparation.
  • Comparing IUI treatment to regular sexual activity, the chance of conception is significantly higher in the former.
  • The procedure can be done with or without transvaginal ultrasound guidance. The catheter is then inserted into the cervical canal by the doctor and directed toward the top of the uterus and either the right or left fallopian tube. Finally, the catheter is used to inject the sperm into the uterus.
  • The procedure only takes 15 to 20 minutes, and you will be instructed to stay in the recovery room for 20 minutes before leaving.
  • Anesthesia is not required for this procedure.
  • It doesn’t hurt.

Is there any disadvantage of IUI?

IUI via IUI clinics in Mumbai has some drawbacks even though it is a fantastic option for many couples. Sometimes, IUI can’t solve every fertility issue and may come up with the following complications:

  • If the conditions listed below are not addressed, such as having clear and undamaged fallopian tubes, the patient could witness severe issues.
  • The pregnant partner must be ovulating, and the sperm should have a specific level of motility.
  • IUI has a success rate of about 20% when compared to other procedures like IVF.
  • The use of fertility medications increases the risk of conceiving multiple. So, internal ultrasound is strongly advised.

Some people may experience a few side effects that are not related to the IUI procedure itself, but rather are brought on by the fertility medications used during the treatment. Moreover, the drugs are prescribed in order to raise the success rate of IUI.

Besides, your ovaries will be stimulated by these drugs to produce lots of oocytes for insemination. Mood swings, hot flashes, breast tenderness, nausea, bloating, headaches, swelling at the injection site, painful and swollen ovaries, pelvic discomfort, and ovarian cysts are just a few of the side effects that these drugs may produce.

Still, when the medication is stopped, these side effects will go away. So, always let your doctor know if you experience any problems during an IUI cycle.