The process of moving house can be very stressful. However, with a little organization, planning and following step by step, it will be successful.

Good planning will start by evaluating what you will actually bring into the new space. By doing a thorough cleaning and selection, you will realize the amount of objects that you no longer use, are broken or have already fulfilled their purpose in your life.

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A successful house moving process supposes, among other things, not to carry objects that are useless or that will simply take up space. Those that are in good condition can be sold or given away and if they are damaged or broken, throw them away. It’s quite simple!

Moving house process: prepare for the arrival to the new home

At the time of packing

This will greatly simplify the task of unpacking and ordering the new house if you pack all the objects in each space and label each of the boxes in detail, specifying their exact contents and the room they belong to.

In this regard, all kitchen items are packed together in boxes numbered in order of importance. They will make it easier for moving company personnel to locate the boxes in the space where they will later be unpacked.

On the other hand, remember that fragile objects such as glassware or paintings must be packed with greater care.

Check with the moving company to see if they offer this service and also if they have an insurance policy that will protect you during the house moving process. Prevention is better than cure.

In the new house after the house moving process

A change is not just packing the furniture, objects and equipment well for transport. It is essential that in the new house you know what you can count on.

First, check that all water, internet, electricity and heating installations are working properly.

If you need to carry out some procedures or connect the services, it is time to do so, as you will avoid later setbacks. Know that you should always hire these services in advance.

If, for another reason or lack of time, you have not yet contracted energy or internet services, know that the market currently offers some possibilities for concluding contracts for basic services, in a quick, safe and economical way.

Process day and moving house

Dedicate the entire day to the process; even if you have hired a company that specializes best moving company in NYC, it is essential that you are there to support the change.

In case you have children or pets, it is advisable to make sure that you have someone to take care of them that day.

Undoubtedly, it will be a tiring day and it is essential that in the preparation you include a bag that contains what you need for that first night and breakfast for the first day in the new house.

The essentials to include are pajamas, toothbrushes and a change of clothes for each member of the family, you will be happy to have it on hand at such times.

In short, preparing your new home can be an enjoyable and hassle-free process if you plan every detail in advance. Just think about the decor and the joy of starting in a new space.

After having gone through the phases of the house moving process , such as, tidying everything up, piling up boxes, having hired a reliable moving company, and having already settled in the new house, know that it is a good time to start new habits and above all, investing in energy efficiency and taking care of the environment.

Moving house process: improve the energy efficiency of your new home with these tips

In a house, energy efficiency refers to the consumption of energy below average or also, by the use of renewable energy sources like sun, wind.

Read also: Residential Moving: Don’t worry about the big and heavy furniture

Therefore, increasing the energy efficiency of our new home is about doing more with less energy.

Energy certification of a home

Energy efficiency is an increasingly required document for anyone interested in renting or buying a home.

The document is mandatory when selling or renting apartments, as it assesses the energy consumption and harmful emissions of each apartment.

It has seven energy efficiency ratings from “A” to “G”, with “A” being the most energy efficient and “G” the least efficient.

Properly insulate the house

Industry experts have found that without proper insulation, 65% of the energy in a home is lost.

It is advisable to pay attention to the possibility of leaks in doors and windows, which is often a major factor in the loss of ambient temperature in a home.

Replace old equipment

If you have old equipment, it is recommended that you replace it with new equipment that meets the new energy label. That way, you can save on the electricity bill and get more efficiency.

Correct use of air conditioning systems

It is very important the energy tariffs and the hours where they can be more expensive so as not to cause excessive expenses and consumption of energy.

Depending on the stay, it is advisable to have heating and air conditioning at certain times. It is not necessary to wear them all day, just a few hours to cool or heat the house is enough for your well-being.

Natural light

Natural light is a factor to take into account when distributing the furniture in our new home. When setting up work tables, dining tables, etc… It is essential to pay attention to the position of windows and daylight.

Areas that need light all the time, as greater consumption of artificial light is avoided. Even in areas where there are light bulbs, it is ideal to replace them with energy-saving bulbs or LEDs.

If you’re moving into a new home, taking these things into consideration will be critical to meeting your energy efficiency goals.

Do you need a local and international moving company in New York that meets your expectations, has a low price and quality? Count on us, get in touch and talk to one of our attendants, it will be a pleasure to serve you.