Robotics is one of the domains in artificial intelligence that focuses on creating intelligent and effective robots.

What are robots?

Robots are artificial agents operating in a real-world environment.


Robots aim to manipulate objects by observing and moving, picking up or altering the object’s physical characteristics, or even destroying it or having an effect, thus freeing humans to perform repetitive tasks and not becoming bored, disoriented, or exhausted.

AI (also known as machine-learning) has become more popular, and organizations need professionals aware of the most recent technologies and have experience in the field. With this in mind, IBM has launched a Post Graduate program for AI and Machine Learning with Purdue University in collaboration with IBM, which can assist in developing proficiency in a range of industry-specific technologies and skills which range from Python, NLP, speech recognition, and the most recent deep-learning methods. This Post Graduate program will help you stand out from the crowd, learn the most effective Artificial Intelligence Course learning path, and increase your proficiency in AI machine learning and deep learning abilities.

What exactly is Robotics?

 AI is composed of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science for designing, developing, and using robots.

Aspects of Robotics

  • The robots are built with a mechanical structure either in shape, form, or form designed to complete a specific job.

  • They contain electrical components that allow the machinery to be controlled and powered.

  • They have a computer program that determines what happens when and how a robot performs a task.

Differentialities between Robot Systems and Other AI Programs

AI Programs

  • They generally are in computer-stimulated environments.
  • The input for the AI program is represented in the form of rules and symbols.
  • They require general-purpose computers that can run on.


  • The inputs robots receive an analog signal in the form of speech waveforms or images
  • They are a part of the physical
  • They require special hardware that has sensors and actuators.

Legged Locomotion

  • This type of motion requires more energy when walking, jumping, trotting or hopping, and climbing either up or down.
  • It requires more motors to achieve a move. It is ideal for rough and smooth terrain where an uneven or a soft surface causes it to use more power to accomplish the wheeled movement. It can be a little challenging to set up due to instability problems.
  • It has the option of two, one, four, six, and one leg. If a robot is equipped with multiple legs, coordination between the legs is required for locomotion.
  • The number of gaits (a regular sequence of release and lift events in each of the legs) the robot could move depends on the number of legs.
  • If the machine has legs with the number k, the possible number of possibilities N is (2k-1)!.
  • If you have two-legged robots (k=2) The possibility of events can be N (2k-1)! = (2*2-1)! = 3! = 6.
  • So six different events could occur.
  • Lifting the left leg
  • Release the left leg
  • Lifting the right leg
  • Releasing the right leg
  • Then, lift both legs together.
  • By releasing both legs

Wheeled Locomotion

It requires more miniature motors to achieve a move. It’s not as challenging to set up because there are fewer stability concerns with the more significant numbers of wheels. It is also energy efficient as opposed to the legged locomotion.

A wheel of standard size rotates on the wheel’s axle and around the contact.

Wheel of Castor It rotates in the direction of the wheel’s axle and the steering joint offset.

Swedish 45 and Swedish 90, and Swedish 90 90 wheels Omni-wheel, turn in the direction of the contact points, along the wheel axle, and around the rollers.

Slip/Skid Locomotion

In this case of a vehicle, they use tracks similar to those of tanks. The robot is controlled using the channels at various speeds, either in the opposite or the same direction. It provides stability due to the vast contact areas between the track and the ground.

Ball or Spherical wheel Omnidirectional wheel technically complex to use.