When a baby is born, the parents are filled with joy and happiness. They want to do everything possible to take care of their new arrival and make sure that they feel comfortable and safe.

One of the first decisions parents have to make is when to move the baby into their room. Many new parents wonder, “Do I need a nursery?”. From choosing comfortable baby nursery furniture to knowing how to settle your baby in the nursery, we’ve got you covered.

Should you put your baby in the nursery?

Parents of newborn babies have a lot on their minds. They want to do everything possible to take care of their new arrival and make sure that they feel comfortable and safe.

There is a growing debate about whether parents should put their newborns in the nursery or keep them in the parents’ bedroom.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that babies sleep in the same room as their parents, but not in the same bed, for at least six months to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

After six months, the AAP says it’s okay for babies to sleep in their room.

The decision of when to move the baby into their room is a personal one that parents should make based on their circumstances.

What are the benefits of keeping your baby in the nursery?

It has to be noted that keeping baby in the nursery has benefits. Here are some of them:

It’s easier to feed and change your baby.

Newborns need to be fed every two to three hours, and they need to be changed after every feeding. And if the baby is in their own room, the parents can go to the nursery to feed and change them and then return to their bed to sleep.

Having the crib and baby changing table in the nursery can make nighttime feedings and changings more convenient for the parent.

It allows for some “couple time.”

Having a newborn can be a full-time job, and often, new parents feel like they don’t have any time for each other. If the baby is placed in a nursery, the parents can have some time to themselves to reconnect as a couple.

It may help your baby sleep better.

Some babies sleep better when not in the same room as their parents. If the baby is in their nursery, they’re less likely to be startled awake by the parents’ movements or noise (snores included).

What are the disadvantages of keeping your baby in the nursery?

With all the benefits of keeping baby in the nursery, there are also some disadvantages that parents should be aware of:

The baby may cry more.

Some babies cry more when they’re not in the same room as their parents. They may feel isolated and lonely. Remember that all babies are different, and some may cry more than others.

It can be hard to keep an eye on your baby.

If your baby is in their nursery, you can’t see them as easily. You may worry more about them and check on them more often. Ease your mind by using a baby monitor to watch your little one.

You may feel guilty.

Some parents feel guilty about putting their baby in the nursery. They may feel like they’re not doing their job as a parent if they’re not with their child 24/seven.

When should you put your baby in the nursery?

As mentioned earlier, when to put your baby in the nursery is a personal one. Some parents may feel comfortable keeping their baby beside them for six months or longer, while others may want to move them into the nursery sooner.

As a general rule of thumb, most babies are ready to sleep in their nurseries between four and six months old.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. If your baby is sick or has a medical condition, you may want to keep them in your room longer. Talk to your pediatrician if you’re unsure when to move your baby into the nursery.

How can you make your baby settle in the nursery?

Making your baby settle in and be comfortable in their nursery is a top priority for parents. Here are some tips to make the transition as smooth as possible:

Start with short periods.

If you’re moving your baby from your room to the nursery, start by leaving them in the nursery for a short while. Try putting them down for naps or nighttime sleep in their crib in the nursery.

If they cry, don’t worry. It’s normal for babies to cry when they’re first placed in the nursery. Keep reassuring them with your voice and give them a few minutes to adjust.

Increase the time gradually.

Once your baby is comfortable with short periods in the nursery, you can start to leave them for longer periods. If they’re sleeping through the night in their crib, you can start to leave them in the nursery overnight.

Make sure the nursery is comfortable.

The nursery should be a calming and comfortable place for your baby. Ensure the baby cot bed is comfortable and high-quality, the room isn’t too hot or cold, and no noise will disturb your baby’s sleep.

Try a white noise machine.

If your baby has trouble sleeping in the nursery, a white noise machine can help. The sound of the machine will soothe your baby and help them drift off to a good night’s sleep.

Use a nightlight.

Some babies feel more comforted with a nightlight in their nursery. This can help them settle in and feel safe in the dark. Another benefit of using a nightlight is that it makes nighttime feedings and diaper changes easier for you.

How do you make the nursery more comfortable for your baby?

Once you’ve decided to put your baby in the nursery, there are some things you can do to make it a comfortable place for them. Here are some tips:

Keep the room dark and quiet.

Generally, babies sleep better in a dark and quiet room. You can use blackout curtains or a sleep shade to darken the room. And, white noise machines can help muffle any outside noise.

Make sure the crib is in a good position.

When placing the crib in the nursery, ensure it’s away from any windows, heaters, or air conditioners. You also want to avoid putting the crib near cords or electrical outlets.

Set the right temperature.

Babies sleep best in a cool room, around 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a thermometer to keep track of the temperature in the nursery.

Choose calming colors.

Colors can have a significant impact on your baby’s mood. Stick to calming colors, like blue or green, when painting or decorating the nursery. Think about how the colors will make your baby feel when they’re in the room.

Use soft fabrics.

Babies are delicate, so you want to use soft, comfortable fabrics in the nursery. Choose sheets and blankets made from natural fibers, like cotton or bamboo. Remember to avoid any materials that could irritate your baby’s skin.

Final Thoughts

These are just some tips to help your baby settle in the nursery. Every baby is different, so do what works best for you and your little one. With time and patience, your baby will be sleeping soundly in their nursery!