Many companies struggle to fill the CISO role and opt to run without a dedicated C-level cyber security expert. In this post, we will discuss what CISO is? Why do companies struggle to source people to fill this imperative rol?, What are the benefits of a virtual CISO UK?

What Is a CISO?

CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) is an individual that is charged with formulating cyber security strategy, making sure all the security measures have been taken, improving awareness and creating contingency plans for emergencies. In larger companies with plenty of resources to dedicate to recruiting and training the CISO, the CISO role is filled by a senior-level executive. But many businesses don’t have the resources to acquire someone with expertise in cyber security and business operations. Some significant challenges of recruiting CISO advisory services include paying a high salary, qualified professionals being hard to find, etc.

Benefits of Using Services of Virtual CISO:

1. Access to a Team of Experts: Even the best individual to fill the CISO role is just one per cent. There is only so much that they can know or keep track of in your company. On the other hand, virtual CISO consulting services give you access to a whole team of experts. It means your CISO will have a wide range of experiences to rely on, making them better at handling your organization’s cyber security requirements and responding to cyber security incidents.

2. Easier than Recruiting In-House Expert: As discussed, CISOs are hard to find, and many companies decide to go without their services. It can lead to gaps in the company’s cyber security strategy. Hackers won’t wait for you to find the right person to fill the CISO’s role before taking advantage of these vulnerabilities. Hiring virtual CISO advisory services gives you immediate access to the expertise you need to reduce your cyber security risk and mitigate the impacts of a breach.

Additionally, virtual CISO UK programs involve a team of people; they can spend more time monitoring your business than any individual CISO. Also, if one person takes a vacation, you still have the rest of the team to provide information security consulting services.