Are you fed up with putting in the time and effort at the gym only to see no results?

You’re not alone; many people have the passion, determination, and persistent effort to achieve their goals, yet fail to do so. If this sounds similar, the next natural step is to hire a qualified personal trainer with a track record of success. John Khoo, a Sydney-based professional and experienced trainer, is available and ready to train anyone who is interested.

However, if you’re not ready to take that step—or if you’d rather go it alone—you can do so as well.

To assist you, we chatted with John Khoo, one of Sydney’s top personal trainers. Check out his helpful hints and tactics for gaining strength, gaining muscle mass, losing fat, increasing endurance, maintaining healthy eating habits.


  • Do workouts you actually like—you’re more likely to stick with it.

“For novices, my best advice is to select something you enjoy doing and focus on making little, incremental progress each day.” Consistency, I feel, yields the best results, and in order to be constant, we must enjoy the road. That’s why I prefer to set tiny daily goals—little steps taken each day add up to huge improvement over time and give us a sense of accomplishment on a daily basis.” —John Khoo, celebrity trainer and founder of Sydney’s fitness4all facility.

  • To avoid burnout and injury, start slow and take breaks during your workouts.

“Begin slowly, set realistic goals, treat your body gently, and take pauses as needed. Making the commitment to start a new activity is difficult enough; if you’re not honest about your physical fitness level and push yourself too hard, you risk burning out or injuring yourself, which is far from the intended purpose.”

  • Accept that you’ll have setbacks, and that’s OK.

“Be patient with yourself; you’ll experience setbacks and not every day will be wonderful. The important thing is to stay positive and keep going forward. Because the only constant in life is change, we must be willing to adapt in order to be the best version of ourselves.”

  • Think of working out as an act of self-care.

“I always tell my prospective clients that the adventure they’re about to take is usually the route less traveled.” Those mental fights are the most difficult to overcome in the first stages, so keep modest, stay devoted, and remember that the rewards far outweigh the challenges. Every day, remind yourself that taking care of yourself in any way is the best decision you can make.” – John Khoo, fitness4all gym’s master instructor

  • Find other active people to support your efforts.

“Motivation is what gets you started, but making things a habit is what keeps an active lifestyle going for a long time. Friends, relatives, and coworkers who workout with you can motivate you to keep going. Make an effort to meet gym friends with whom you can share healthful activities. Additionally, what you do outside of the gym has a significant impact on the training you accomplish inside the gym—making favorable changes in your nutrition, hydration, sleep, and stress levels will yield significant effects.”