The competition around the world, irrespective of the industry, has never been this tight. Every industrial enterprise has been on its toes to stay relevant and retain clients over a large period of time. This is where Business Intelligence tools have been proving to be very helpful to gain insights and boost growth.  


When it comes to BI, it refers to the process of extracting the right kind of data and analyzing the gathered insights to foster better decision-making. Irrespective of size and scale, every enterprise should be capable enough to manage, monitor, evaluate, and even visualize data for the formulation of business strategies to make the right decisions.


Evolution of BI Tools


Even if you talk about manual spreadsheets or the simples of graphs, it can’t be denied that some kind of Business Intelligence has always been there. With time, as applications grew complex in nature, databases became difficult to manage, and forget about gathering the right inferences from them. 


While traditional BI was used for apps with the help of SQL, enterprise owners slowly started shifting towards a more real-time application. As a result, the latest BI software use both streaming apps as well as NLP(Neural Language Processing). 


Importance of BI Tools


The latest BI software makes use of OLAP(Online Analytical Processing) to assist enterprises in performing data analysis, keeping track of the KPIs, and generating relevant reports. 


The benefits of cutting-edge BI software are the following:


– Business insights that are action-oriented. 

– Better customer satisfaction and retention. 

– Better organizational efficiency.

– More revenue. 

– Better decision-making. 


One of the biggest benefits of Business Intelligence tools is that their analytics and reporting can be offered to business stakeholders in their daily business process, The result is the delivery of fast and highly accurate information through the unification of multiple data sources without any reliance on the IT department. 


When we talk about the types of reporting that are brought to the fore, they can be in multiple ways like charts, dashboards, graphs, and more. 


Where Does Grow Come In?


Over the years, Grow(now acquired by Epicor) has always been a believer that for every organization and its growth or shortcomings, the answer always lies in the data that gets accumulated during its operations. 


This is why Grow has become one of the leading providers of the most cutting-edge solutions in the domain of Business Intelligence technologies. With the right understanding of your requirements, Grow can help you leverage the power of data to transform your output into perfect results.