Hair loss can be caused by various triggers. In addition to genetic causes, hormonal disorders, medication, malnutrition, stress and infectious diseases can cause hair loss.

What are the main causes of hair loss?

The most important factor for hereditary hair loss is an existing genetic predisposition . Various genes influence hair growth. Depending on which variants of these genes a person has, the loss of head hair occurs early, late or not at all.

The main cause of patchy hair loss is an autoimmune reaction , in which your own immune system attacks the cells responsible for hair growth. It is not yet known why some people develop such an autoimmune reaction.

There is no single main cause for diffuse hair loss . Rather, there are several possible causes such as poor nutrition , infections, side effects of medication or heavy metal poisoning, which must be clarified in individual cases.

Are there other reasons that can lead to hair loss?

Other causes of hair loss can be hormonal influences , iron deficiency and nutritional deficiencies as well as certain medications. Whether stress also leads to hair loss independently of other factors is not yet fully certain, but seems very likely. Malnutrition or malnutrition and iron deficiency can lead to the body not having enough nutrients available for hair growth. Drugs such as chemotherapy drugs against cancer, on the other hand, have a toxic effect on hair production.

Does hair loss treatment depend on the cause?

Yes, hair loss therapy must be tailored to the cause. Hereditary hair loss can only be treated with medication using the active ingredients minoxidil and alfatradiol or alternatively with medication that interferes with the sex hormone balance.

Circular hair loss often heals on its own within a few months . If necessary, thinning crown with drugs that suppress the immune system in the scalp can be carried out.

Hair loss that is due to medication effects usually stops on its own once the medication is stopped. Before discontinuing the causative medication, however, the doctor treating you should always be consulted first.

If stress, malnutrition or iron deficiency are responsible for the hair loss, an appropriate lifestyle change should be initiated. Stress should be reduced or dampened by relaxation techniques, and malnutrition should be compensated for by a targeted change in diet or by taking dietary supplements. An iron deficiency must be clarified by a doctor in any case and can be treated with iron tablets.

In the case of hair loss due to other medical conditions, the underlying disease must be treated correctly . For example, bacterial infections may need to be treated with antibiotics.

What causes hair loss at a young age?

The cause of hair loss in young people can be genetic or the result of other diseases. Especially circular hair loss as a sign of an autoimmune reaction occurs in young people. However, excessive mechanical stress due to the frequent wearing of hats and caps or exposure to excessive heat due to the use of straightening irons can also promote hair loss. Another cause of hair loss in younger people can be illegal drug use. Furthermore, some mental illnesses, which occur comparatively frequently in young people, can also lead to hair loss. These include the eating disorders bulimia and anorexia, but also a compulsive tendency to pull out your hair (trichotillomania).

Does hair grow back after eliminating the cause of hair loss?

Not every type of hair loss can be reversed once the cause has been eliminated. In patch hair loss, if the autoimmune reaction is treated or has stopped on its own, there is a high chance that hair will start growing normally again. Even hair that has fallen out due to infections, other acute diseases, medication or malnutrition usually grows back once the triggering causes have been eliminated. In the case of hair loss due to heat and mechanical stress, the restoration of hair growth depends on the extent of the damage. If the hair follicles are still intact, the hair can regrow. In the event of severe damage or destruction, for example severe burns or chemical burns to the scalp, the hair loss is irretrievably lost. Genetic hair loss, as well as hair loss due to chronic diseases, can be reduced and in some cases reversed with medication, but only for the duration of the medication. The cause, i.e. the presence of certain gene variants, cannot be treated in the case of genetic hair loss.

Can wrong hair care lead to hair loss?

Improper hair care can definitely contribute to the development of hair loss. Washing your hair too often can remove too much of the protective sebum on the scalp or hair. This makes the hair more sensitive to everyday influences such as mechanical stress, UV radiation or styling products. It also increases the risk of scalp infectionwith fungi or bacteria, which can also affect hair growth. Allergies to hair care products and intensive treatment of the hair with heat or chemicals such as hot blow-drying, straightening irons, coloring and tinting, bleaching or perming can also attack the hair substance and lead to hair loss. If there is a suspicion that the hair loss is due to incorrect hair care, styling products should be avoided on a trial basis. In addition, gentle shampoos such as baby shampoos can be used. Initially, hair should be washed once a day at most, or only every second or third day. In the case of frequent dandruff formation, the use of medicinal anti-dandruff shampoos can have a positive effect.