If you suffer from sensitive skin, you know that the struggle is real, especially when finding the right skincare products. While most skincare is trial and error, the error part can be highly problematic for those with sensitive skin as even the most unsuspecting ingredient can cause skin irritation, redness, and other problems.

Essentially, the phrase “sensitive skin” refers to a variety of skin conditions, including rosacea, eczema, contact dermatitis, acne, and dryness. Because of its well-known ability to reduce inflammation, cannabidiol, often known as CBD, is a beneficial ingredient for persons with sensitive skin.

Some solutions for sensitive skin even make extravagant claims, like providing permanent shines and overnight acne treatments (like using topical CBD for skincare). Unfortunately, even though CBD is a fantastic skincare ingredient and will change the way you approach skincare, the majority of these products do not contain enough CBD to have a meaningful influence on the health of your skin.

Keep reading to learn how using good quality CBD for skin care can help your sensitive skin.

What is CBD, and What makes it suitable for sensitive skin?

The hemp or cannabis plant is used to derive CBD, often known as cannabidiol. It is recognized for its extensive list of medical advantages and ability to heal the body and the mind. In terms of skincare, CBD is well known for its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and for treating a variety of skin diseases, including eczema and psoriasis, as well as more serious ones, including inflammation, dryness, and acne-related difficulties.

Repairs Skin Barrier

According to dermatologists, CBD oil includes high concentrations of omega acids that help to rebuild the skin barrier and form a seal over the skin to hold moisture. It is also a humectant, which draws moisture to the skin. Those who struggle with dry skin find it immensely beneficial. People with sensitive skin frequently experience skin irritation, which is soothed by omega acids in CBD oil. Numerous fatty acids are included in it to hydrate and soothe inflamed skin. In addition to reviving and nourishing tight or dry skin, it lessens flakiness and irritation. CBD promotes better skin health by enhancing the skin’s protective barrier and assisting with moisture retention.

Reduces Inflammation and Skin Irritation

Because of the anti-inflammatory and moisturising properties of CBD oil, it can lessen the dryness, redness, and itching of eczema. You can apply CBD oil to the problematic area repeatedly throughout the day, add a few drops to your bath, or use it as a body lotion. Additionally, psoriasis symptoms, including plaques of thick red skin, itchy or burning skin, red, scaly areas of skin, etc., can be helped by CBD oil. You may ease thanks to CBD oil’s anti-inflammatory and moisturising properties and dry and irritated skin.

CBD For Sensitive Skin: Dos & Donts

You’ll be glad to know that CBD oil has no known side effects when applied topically to someone without allergies. However, it’s always a good idea to heed the following advice to rule out allergies:

  • Before putting the oil to use for the first time, always conduct a skin patch test. Always perform a patch test before topical CBD for acne or other issues. Apply a small amount of CBD oil to the skin inside your elbow to test the product.
  • If the oil is potent or if you have allergies, mix it with a carrier oil before applying it for a patch test. It is typically safe to use the oil on your skin if there is no itching, swelling, or redness after a few hours.
  • Additionally, before applying your regular moisturizer to your face, you can mix a few drops of CBD oil into it. Then, you can gradually increase the dosage until you find the right amount.
  • Make sure you don’t react negatively to the CBD carrier you chose. Even organic essential oils or herbs may make some people sensitive. Make sure the carrier oil in your CBD oil is hypoallergenic and suitable for most skin types.
  • Always choose an excellent product as your first choice after doing extensive research. In particular, if you have sensitive skin, it is critical that you carefully review all of the ingredients that go into the production of your CBD oil to rule out any unfavorable responses.

Choosing the right product

Studies have shown that CBD controls sebum production, which is beneficial for people with dry skin since they create less sebum than people without dry skin problems. To maintain healthy skin, CBD can be consumed orally and used topically. Aside from physically applying CBD, ingesting CBD supplements also significantly affects the skin rather quickly. You can also mix the two for the best effects. The finest topical CBD for skincare is Neet Rose Oil. It combines the benefits of rose oil and CBD and is completely hypoallergenic. It is one of those products that combines the therapeutic properties of CBD with the relaxing effects of roses. It can work wonders for your skin when combined with CBD oil from Neet.