Healthy and good habits are the way to a healthy heart. Despite being aware of the fact that the heart has a very important role in the functioning of the human body, we continue to keep up with careless thought processes and sedentary lifestyles which can have an adverse effect on our bodies in the long term. Good habits for a healthy heart are very essential.

Let’s see some habits that can have a negative impact on your heart

Sitting for Long

Sticking to your office chair for hours every day and not moving enough can prove harmful to your heart. Such habit can become one of the reasons behind a stroke or attack, so it’s better to get up from your seat in between the work and take 5 to 10 mins walk.

This will increase your blood flow and your body will receive a good amount of oxygen.

Excess Intake of Alcohol and Smoking

Drinking occasionally with your friends or family is quite normal but when it becomes your daily habit, then it can be a cause of worry since the excess intake of alcohol can increase your blood pressure and it also leads to obesity which is not good for your heart.

Smoking again plays a negative role as it not only affects your lungs but can also increase the risk of heart disease since too much smoking can block your arteries, leading to less supply of oxygen in the body which can cause an attack or stroke.

Intake of Salt

Do you like to add extra salt in your food or are you a person who likes to have food items with high salt content? Too much intake of salt can increase your blood pressure and cholesterol which puts stress on your heart and can trigger many heart problems. So it’s better to avoid too much salt and follow a low sodium diet.


We are living in a world where stress and anxiety have become part of our life and we keep avoiding it to satisfy our personal pursuits but hardly we know ignoring it can be detrimental to our heart health.

So it’s very important to consult a counsellor or take help from someone to combat the stress issue.

Less Sleep

7 to 8 hours of sleep is very crucial as it has been believed that good sleep keeps your heart rate and cholesterol normal and increases your immunity but if you don’t get enough sleep then it can trigger many health problems and the most important of them is heart ailments.

Oral Problem

Avoiding your oral health not only makes way for bacteria and cavity issues in your mouth but can also be detrimental to your heart. There is a chance that oral infection or bacteria spreads to your heart and cause trouble.

So it’s better to brush and floss your teeth and timely visit the dentist to avoid any kind of heart disease.

Avoid Health Signals

Sometimes your body gives warning signals like high cholesterol, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, fluctuating bp, etc. However, you don’t pay attention and put yourself into trouble.

It’s better to take action on time. Visit your doctor, control your diet, practise yoga, do regular exercise, keep a check on your weight and be regular with your medicines

Dr HK Bali is the best cardiologist in Chandigarh, If you are suffering from any heart problem then immediately make an appointment with him and seek a timely diagnosis and treatment.