dog food

It’s enjoyable to do something unusual for our dogs now and again, and they surely appreciate it as well. You may feed your dog a variety of foods and meals that are safe for him or her to consume.

Think about eating the same item every day for a year. Additionally, you may wonder whether you’re receiving all of the nutrients you need. It’s possible that your pet is feeling the same way you are. There’s a good reason why dogs are so drawn to our food. They, too, need variety, even if it comes in the form of leftover food!


Here are 7 delicious and tasty food that your dog will love, along with preparation suggestions.


1 Cooked Chicken

For dogs, cooked chicken is an excellent source of protein. Choose chicken without skin and boil it; then feed your dog a tiny bit of it a few times each week. Chicken and rice is an excellent food for dogs; simply make a cup of rice, boil a chicken breast, then shred the meat before mixing it with the cooked rice. If you want to make the dish finer, combine the chicken and rice with string beans or another vegetable. 

An important consideration when cooking chicken is that it should always be removed off the bone to avoid choking and that certain dogs may be allergic to chicken because of this.


2 Eggs

The nutrients in cooked eggs are rich in minerals and vitamins. They are a safe and nutritious diet. Don’t feed your dog eggs more than twice a week, and only salt and pepper should ever be used on the eggs. 

For dogs suffering from diseases such as diabetes or pancreatitis, you should see your veterinarian first to determine if eggs are suitable for them to consume or not.


3 Beef

Cooking ground or cubed beef for your dog is a completely safe option. As with chicken, beef is a high-protein source and is used as an ingredient in a variety of dog food products. To prepare meat for your dog, heat some oil in a skillet or saucepan and cook the steak until it is browned. Then you may give it to your dog.

Also, try beef esophagus as well. The beef esophagus is safe and delicious for dogs.


4 Boiled Potatoes

While dogs have difficulty digesting red and brown potatoes, they may eat sweet potatoes prepared in a variety of ways that are suitable for them. Prepare sweet potatoes in a variety of ways, including mashing them, dehydrating them by heating potato slices at 250 degrees for three hours, or stuffing a Kong toy with them after they’ve been cooked. Sweet potatoes are a wonderful source of vitamin A and fiber, and they can also help to prevent and cure obesity. 


5 Dairy

Most dogs may safely ingest modest amounts of milk and plain yogurt; they can even take cheese as long as it is neither flavored nor hot (such as pepper jack). Other dogs, on the other hand, are lactose intolerant, similar to many humans. If your dog can consume dairy, try making homemade dog treats with cheese or adding a dollop of yogurt to his usual kibble for added digestion advantages. Always contact your veterinarian before feeding your pet something you are unsure of.


6 Peanut Butter

Dogs may safely consume peanut butter that does not include the dog-toxic sugar substitute xylitol. Before purchasing peanut butter, be sure to thoroughly examine the product’s label; if it does not contain xylitol, you’re OK to consume it. You can either create peanut butter yourself or use store-bought peanut butter to make dog treats by combining it with other ingredients.


7 Mutt Meatballs

This homemade dog food recipe can save you both time and money. The mutt meatballs are delicious, nutritious, and simple to prepare for your dog to consume. 

Refrigerate any leftover meatballs in an airtight container once they’ve been cooked. Because they contain fat, they should not be given to a dog who is suffering from gastrointestinal problems.