Choosing digital or print

Although electronic invitations have been recognised and utilised for quite some time, sending a formal invitation by email is not always appropriate when planning a high-end event. Therefore, it is ideal to utilise an invitation that emphasises the fact that it is a major event for formal events such as weddings and dinners that are formal. In this scenario, you would select classy printed invites and ensure that they were sent out on time. Informal, more intimate gatherings, such as birthday parties or receptions, lend themselves particularly well to the use of digital invitations. But you may also have other reasons for opting to go digital: for example, if you’re searching for a solution that’s quick and easy on your budget, then email is the answer to your problem.

When compiling your list of contacts, exercise some discretion.

Because sending out digital invitations doesn’t cost anything, many people who are in charge of planning events are more likely to get more people on their contact lists, which in turn improves their odds of having more people show up. On the other hand, the experts advise going about things in a slightly more strategic manner. Make sure that you check the contact list very carefully. If possible, include a personal message. People are quick to recognise when they are reduced to nothing more than a number on a contact list.

Watch how you use words.

When writing your invitation, make sure you include wording that is correct and appropriate. Avoid using a style of writing that is sloppy or lacks thought. Find the appropriate attitude. Don’t come off as extremely familiar or overly formal at the same time. When sending a digital invitation, you can use language that is undoubtedly more informal, but you should still be polite.

The tone of the text can be altered to be more formal by including phrases like “your presence is desired,” or it can be made slightly less formal by beginning sentences with “X and Y invite you to…” However, in digital invitations, you should avoid using vague phrasing. That practice has long since died out.

Provide your guests with an adequate amount of information.

With digital invitations you may prepare for probable inquiries in advance. You can make use of route planners or include a link to your visitors’ calendars in order to ensure that the event is automatically booked and synchronised on their mobile devices. The mention of public transportation, which is similarly helpful but frequently overlooked, is included here. After visitors have responded to your digital invitation and signed up, you have the option of sending them additional information. You can provide them with extra details about the event, such as the dress code, the venue, or whether there will be a red carpet, etc., in the email that confirms their attendance. You are even able to upload photos. Show that there will be a red carpet rather than only mentioning that there will be one. Show your guests a preview of what the event will be like when it’s finished. Because of this, they will be able to get ready for what lies ahead, and they will have some concept of what to expect.

Mix & match online and printed invites.


Particular visitors may call for special treatment at times. VIPs can be invited on paper and given a gift, while the rest of the guests receive electronic invitations. Depending on the situation, you may want to give special treatment to select guests.

Take the initiative to go above and beyond

You can also dazzle your guests with other preparations, not just invites printed on fancy paper. In the same way, you can put in a lot of effort into a digital invitation. Customization to your event’s specific aesthetic needs is also crucial. DIY invitations utilising free web templates are also an option. Your invitation can be edited even after it has been issued. Since everything is digital, your invitation may always be adjusted. Depending on the feedback you receive, you can modify it accordingly. If the end outcome is not satisfactory, you can make changes to the plan or even send out new invitations to various groups. Then then, how about a video?

The Next StepsFollow up

You want as many people as possible to respond to your digital invitation and sign up for your event. But don’t send your guests a million reminder emails that they don’t want to receive. There are times when contacting your guests is the best way to follow up. However, if you’d rather send a digital reminder, you shouldn’t do it too often.