The gradual emergence the organ transplantation process as a therapeutic tool led to an evolution of the organizational structure and a global approach to managing transplantation. The concept as a transplant coordinator came into being in the late 1980s.

In Spain in the year 2000, there was a National Transplant Organization (ONT) was established, which implemented an organization – dubbed”the “Spanish model”built on an organization of coordinators on three levels: regional, national and hospital. The structure of the organization can be a global benchmark.

A hospital’s transplant coordinator is an enviable presence in transplants in the Intensive Medicine specialty. The majority of the organs come from patients who have died with a beating heart , and this calls for the infrastructure that is provided by the units for intensive care.

The roles of the coordinator can be summarized as making sure that there is synchronization among all teams and elements that are part of the organisational chain that is recognized as”the “donation method”. The key elements the hospital coordinator creates are:

– Identification of the possible donor.

– Maintaining the donor.

Diagnostics of brain death.

Family consent.

The preparation of hospital logistics.

Attention to family members.

Direct participation directly in directly in Quality Assurance Program.

Referee in all actions relating with the organ transplant.

A desired outcome is the establishment of transplant coordination groups with clear messages, professionalism, and an ongoing infusion of the known as “human factor” that is essential as well as near to the field of transplantation.


The gradual introduction the use of transplants for organs a therapeutic option led to organizational change and overall transplant management that led to the development of the role of the transplant coordinator around the mid-1980s.

In Spain it was in Spain that in Spain, the National Organization of Transplants (Organizacion Nacional de Transplantes, also known as ONT) was established in order to establish a system hospitals. This structure serves as an important reference point at the global level.

The frequency of the Intensive Medicine specialty among the hospital’s transplant coordinators is astonishing. Most organs originate from patients who are brain dead and have beating hearts , and that requires the facilities provided by centers for intensive care.

The role of the coordinator could be defined as the synchronization of all elements and teams in an organization chain that has been dubbed”the “process of donation”. The key elements which the coordinator of hospitals is responsible for are as follows:

Identification of the possible donor.

– Maintaining the donor.

– Diagnosis of brain dead.

Consent of the family.

– Prepare the hospital logistics.

– Aiding family members.

Direct participation in the Guarantee Program of Quality.

Person of reference in any endeavor that is related to transplantation.

It is ideal to establish the formation of transplant coordination teams with unambiguous communications professionalism and an ongoing contribution from the so-called “human factor” which is important and very close to the world of transplants.


The fact that multiple organs were taken from the same person and sometimes , by surgical teams that were located away from the hospital in which the transplant took place transformed the entire landscape in the moment which led to the development of extremely complex logistics.

The demand for a solution was demanded, by way of a figure which could provide a suitable response to the many requirements of an organization for a transplant coordinator. The position was created in 1986. post was established in Spain without precedent or comparability with other countries.

In Europe in the early 1980s there was a steady growth of transplantation programs, which made the need for a person to oversee the work to be completed around the multi-organ extraction process or transplant in order to ensure that the work is completed effectively. Thus, the figure of the Hospital Transplant Coordinator arises as the person who is responsible in the first place for the detection of potential donors, subsequently continuing as the person in charge of the entire process of organ donation-transplantation. Riverside Nephrology Physicians provide the best Peritoneal Dialysis treatment in USA .

In Spain the first coordinators for transplants appeared in Catalonia around the mid-1980s however, it was only in 1989, with the relaunch of National Transplant Organization (ONT) that coordinators were able to form the network that is now in place and is a reference template for other countries.

The hospital transplant coordinators are accessible throughout the day, and are involved in every hospital-related activity that involves getting and transferring organs. This commitment is permanent and makes it imperative that, in particular hospitals that are prone to a high volume of transplant and donation activity it is essential to speak about genuine Organ Transplant Coordination Teams (ECT), composed of people from various classes and specialties. The background or specialization for the coordinator of transplants has changed gradually over the past few years. is essential, more than anything else an acute awareness of the performance of their duties In recent years, there has been a rapid growth in the number of intensive care physicians and graduate students in nursing who have been devoted in the management of organ transplants.

In fact, more than two decades have been passed since the introduction of the”so-called “Spanish model” and in all this time, a systematic and/or operating model was created that has resulted in a wealth of experience that has been recognized by the majority of the communities who transplant the countries. socio-sanitary more developed.