Sometimes, you can spend so much time thinking about how your home looks like and the things you need to do to keep the metaphorical roof over your head that you forget to consider the actual roof over your head, as well as the rest of the home, that’s working hard to keep the elements out. To ensure you don’t neglect your home, now is the time to think about a little home maintenance. moving company

Bad Weather on the Horizon

The weather is becoming increasingly unpredictable and extreme. Last year, extremely warm and wet weather was seen throughout the USA, and in states like Pennsylvania, 2021 was the wettest summer on record.

The extreme changes in weather conditions can take a heavy toll on your property. The need to review your building structure and surrounding drainage are now more important than ever to be prepared for an unexpected storm or heatwave.

To be prepared as the temperature slowly rises year on year, you should consider the below elements of your home or office.


As the temperatures outside fluctuate, it can be difficult to stay comfortable inside without proper insulation. This can be in the form of attic insulation, wall insulation, and even insulation under the floor.

This would all serve to keep your indoor temperature stable, and to conserve energy, keeping your bills down too!

Plenty of companies can provide this service for you, but equally, doing more simple insulations such as in the attic can often be a DIY job. Many services are now available to provide a free assessment of your home’s insulation needs.


Changes in the weather can change the pollen levels affecting air quality in your home. Swinging climate levels can also impact the seals around your home as they expand and dry out. Cracks and voids can also occur, and mold can be an issue because of the increase in condensation.

One of the ways to address this is through good ventilation in your home. Ventilation systems vary depending on your type of home, the room you want to install a vent, and the sophistication of the technology. This is worth getting professional help on, and an expert can help you find the best system for noise, airflow rates, and installation.


The roof of your property is arguably the most important part of the building other than the foundations! Being completely exposed, it is no surprise that a roof will be impacted by consistent extreme weather. The weight of increased snow can cause cracking and make a roof collapse, heavy winds can put pressure on the roof and rip shingles off, and extreme heat can wear out roofing materials at a fast rate.

An inspection of your roof should be high on your agenda, and to have a thorough assessment and upgrade your materials, you should contact a professional. A family firm of roofing contractors in allentown pa are well skilled in repairs and replacements of roofs. The Pennsylvanian company offers a free inspection and estimate, as well as a 5 or 8 year warranty on your flat or pitched roof.


Extreme weather can, of course, impact your foundation in the worst-case scenarios. The soil can only take a limited amount of rain, and when your garden becomes saturated with water, this can cause severe damage. Leaks can become prominent in your basement, and sometimes your foundation can move. Conversely, a drought can shrink and put pressure on a building foundation as well.

The warning signs of a foundation problem include uneven or cracked floors, cracks in the bricks, and misaligned doors or windows. While foundation issues are serious and you will need professional support, they can be repaired. This can be done by pumping cement in any dips or lifting beams using machinery in larger projects.

Prevention is always best, though. Sprinklers can be used to keep the soil from becoming too dry in the summer, and water can be recycled from the winter. To avoid too much water in the soil, you need to ensure water drains away from your property. This is a significant tip to remember when doing any new landscaping, such as creating a new driveway.

Get Prepared

The technology available now to create improvements to your home makes it so much easier to secure your asset and live in comfort. Do not leave it too late; take a little walk around your home and see what you need to do to make your property stand up against the extreme weather on the way.