Nothing is too attractive than a chiselled jawline. People often try contouring and good lighting, but it may not work for some people so they can consider jaw filler.

Over the years, injections have evolved from simple acne minimisers to effective, non-invasive treatments to help you achieve the features you’ve always wanted. Whether you’re in your 20s wanting to redefine your face or in your 50s seeking to revamp volume in this area, getting a jawline filler Harley Street or elsewhere could be the best bet.

What is Jawline Filler?

To help people achieve a slimmer, more defined jaw, there are many types of fillers to choose from, for the chin and jawline. It is ideal for enhancing facial harmony and may be used to smoothen features. As everyone’s bone structure is different, some may need to soften jowls or reduce double chin while others just wish for a little definition.

It is ideal for both young and mid-aged patients as they are minimally, quick, and effective treatment.

What to expect during the treatment?

Derma fillers are injected into the jaw area to restore lost volume and definition, giving you a youthful and beautiful look. You may feel a little discomfort at first but you will gradually get used to it and the best part is you can return to your daily routine in less than an hour.

Like any other treatment, it is advised to avoid alcohol, blood thinners, and anticoagulants about a week before treatment to prevent bruising.

Are Jawline Fillers Permanent?

No, it is not permanent, it may usually last for one to two years and does break down gradually. If you wish to maintain a contoured look, make sure to consult your practitioner for a tweak. If you’re unsure about jawline fillers, hydraulic acid fillers are reversible.

Are Jawline Fillers Worth it?

Yes, absolutely! Just because you are not blessed with a chiselled jawline, doesn’t mean you can have one. Jawline filler can bring a beautiful difference. The change is minimal enough that most people aren’t able to tell you’ve had work done, but you will see a stunning jawline and make a lasting impression.

The treatment is non-invasive and safe, perfect for anyone who has been insecure about the lower half of the face of those who have lost volume in past years. People of all ages, face shapes, and bone structures can get this treatment.

While treatment costs may vary, results are long-lasting and visibly improve the definition of your jawline. A slimmer, softer lower face and chiselled cheekbones can help boost your confidence level.