Python is an open-source high-level programming language developed by Guido van Rossum. Released in 1991, the design philosophy of this programming language is one of the easiest to learn because it aims at code readability. Find out how

In addition, Python is an object-oriented, reflective, functional, procedural, and structured language. All of these approaches to Python help programmers write logical and clear code for projects of all sizes. As of, there are three major versions of Python, Python 3 is the latest. It also supports a variety of libraries to facilitate writing code.

The features of Python are:
Open Source and Free: Python is open source and you can download its code for free to use and modify in your project.

Easy to learn: Python is becoming more and more popular because it’s easier to learn than other languages. Its simple syntax uses plain English with less complexity. Therefore, it is easy for developers to use and easy to program.

Rich Library: Python’s standard library has a rich set of modules and functions to help you complete your project faster, rather than writing code from scratch. There is reusable code for processes such as image editing, unit testing, and CGI. Examples are Django, Flask, NumPy, and SciPy.

Extendable: Python is highly extensible with various modules to extend core functionality. For example, you can add a programmable interface to an existing application. Object-oriented: Python uses object-oriented programming concepts such as objects, classes, inheritance, and data encapsulation. Easy to interpret and

Debug: Python runs your code linearly, like Java, C, and C ++. This eliminates the need for compilation and makes debugging easier. Dynamic typing: In Python, you don’t need to specify variable types such as char, int, and double. This is because it is determined when the code is executed, not the first. This simplifies programming and reduces many lines of code.

Portable: Python uses portable code. Therefore, you can use the same code on different platforms such as Windows, macOS, Unix, and Linux.

4 Benefits of Learning Python
1. Good development efficiency
Python is not only easy to learn and program, but it also speeds up the entire development process. There are different frameworks, packages, libraries, and modules, and you don’t have to create them all from scratch.
You can also use reusable code to stabilize your code faster. This helps automate standard processes and saves time focusing on web and software development logic and other important aspects.

2. Very versatile
Python is a very versatile language and is one of the reasons for its popularity and ease of use. From small projects to large projects, Python works with the same efficiency. In addition to the above applications, developers use them for deep learning, data engineering, process automation, the Internet of Things (IoT), and more.
However, its versatility can be due to the large number of functions, methods, frameworks, and libraries it supports. Also, Python’s readability, popularity, and ease of use have promoted more libraries and made the language more user-friendly.

3. Demand for Python developers
The demand for Python developers is increasing in the market due to their popularity and use in new technologies. Applications in business services, insurance, aerospace, retail, banking, finance, information technology, consulting, healthcare and hardware, to name a few. The major companies using
Python is Google, NASA, YouTube, Quora, IBM, HP, Qualcomm, and Dropbox. And they often hire Python developers as well.
In 2022, the average salary for Python developers in the United States is $ 110,840 per year. Therefore, learning Python is rewarding for your career.

4 Collaborative community
There is official Python documentation, but it can get bogged down, especially if you’re a beginner. At this point, a collaborative community can help you. Fortunately, Python has a large community of developers who can contact you if you have any questions or concerns. You can find online forums for exploring languages ​​such as
Stack Overflow, the open-source community, and local social gatherings. In addition, there are many Python-specific courses, tutorials, websites, and other resources.

Thanks for Reading!  For more deep detailing read, Check out Python programming tutorial they covered various aspects of the language with quick and comprehensive notes, code examples, exercises, videos, and quizzes. Kickstart Python learning now!