A health background check is an essential element of security and safety for patients. This Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is charged with monitoring health care providers and also has authority over healthcare providers that are not authorized to offer healthcare services for Medicaid patients. Anyone with five percent or more ownership stake in a company has to provide fingerprints. However, it only needs to be completed only once. If the state discovers other information that is suspicious or other information, it is the Department of Social Services has the power to request additional fingerprints.

If you’re hiring an employee who is new to the company it is advisable to conduct an Connecticut healthcare background check to ensure that potential employees are clean. Health Street’s background check service can help to verify the employment history of your employees as well as professional licensure, education as well as degree-related qualifications. Additionally, it allows you to verify references. This way, you’ll be able to ensure that you’re hiring only trustworthy candidates for the job you’re opening.

A health background check is required for direct patient care workers in Connecticut. The program is supported through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and managed through the State Department of Public Health. It also mandates hospice agencies to be certified as well as certified through the Department of Public Health. A health background check is a vital measure to protect your patients as well as ensuring the safety of your employees. In reality these background checks could save lives.

There are various methods for conducting background checks in healthcare that are available, those that are conducted by the DPH along with DESPP have recently collaborated to create an online service known as ABCMS. The system is designed to provide health care employers as well as long-term care facilities with a platform for fingerprint-based criminal records checks. Although the system is relatively new, it’s already an important instrument for facilities that provide long-term care. They can conduct background checks for candidates for staff and volunteer.

The Health Department is closely monitoring the numbers of fingerprinting appointments every day and hosting webinars to help answer questions. In June it was announced that the Health Department implemented a special schedule for fingerprinting of those who are affected through the Lamont executive order. Employees were informed of the new rules in a memo sent to health departments of the state. District 1199, which represents nursing home workers, said the deadline was an act of “disrespect” towards workers.

The Connecticut Center for Nursing Workforce, Inc. is a company that conducts background checks for healthcare workers as well as drug tests for employer. This requires approval from the employer. In exchange, the business will release all responsibility incurred due to the information they collect. The process will take about 10-14 days for business. The applicant will have to undergo a 12-panel screening through QUEST Laboratories.

A background check for employment is a complete report that contains as much information as Connecticut law permits. The report may include information about previous employment, academic credentials as well as criminal records. The reports can also include details on expunged criminal records. The Koleman Group LLC website provides numerous types of background checks on employment. Most commonly, they include criminal history, educational credentials and professional qualifications.