Fires are prone to start without warning and they can start anywhere and at any time. It is also a fact that fires tend to happen more often in the colder months in residential areas. Another very scary statistic is the fact that most of the deaths that occur occur between 11 pm to 7 am. This is the time when most people are sleeping. Owing to the fact that most fire alarms are always auditory, people who have trouble hearing will have problems hearing those alarms. Especially more so when they are sleeping.

Therefore, if you or a loved one suffers from hearing issues, then please go through the rest of this short write-up. It can potentially save your life.

Strobe Lights

There are fire alarms available in the market that work via strobe lights. This can really help people who have problems with their hearing. These lights have been designed so
as to detect carbon monoxide or smoke. A lot of these sets of lights also have very unique flash patterns. This can really help distinguish between different types of danger.

Vibration Appliances

Bed shakers can be really great for people who are not able to wake up to audio or other kinds of visual smoke detectors. All you have to do is to hook it up with the regular fire alarms that most homes have. Then, place it under a pillow. This will allow the device to vibrate when it detects these particular types of danger.
While it is true that smoke detectors are very useful tools, it has to be noted that they don’t really do much to actually subdue the fires. If you have a sprinkler system active in your home then you will be much better placed to be ready when danger strikes. These things can help both extinguish fires and also alert you when needed.

Fire Extinguisher
It is always a good idea to have multiple fire extinguishers on the different levels of your home. It is true that most residential fires start within the kitchen area of the home. However, if you have multiple fire extinguishers available, it will be really easy to just get one and put out the danger in the event of an actual fire. It is absolutely paramount that you check the pressure gauge on a monthly basis and also record your findings.