According to recent studies, every year approximately 20 million people contract STD on an average basis and most of the people among this count belong to the age group of 14 to 24. Given the estimate and the new data published by the Center for Disease Control & Prevention, our health care system spends a lot of money on this issue. The authorities are trying hard to connect with the people and make them understand the importance of STD testing and treatment programs. They want to make people aware of the dreadful health issues caused by this problem. So, here we shall discuss a few common and frequently asked queries by the people who want to go in-depth about this concern and can stay safe from this trouble.

Q1. What is STD?

The full form of STD is a sexually transmitted disease and a person can easily contract this infection if he/she has come with intimate skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. To be clearer, if you are in a relationship and your contact is oral, vaginal, or anal, there are possible chances that you get this infection. However, some of the cases have shown infection only through intimate physical contact.

Q2. What are the names of some common types of STDs?

Here is the list of some common types of STDs

Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, HIV/AIDS, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, HPV, Pubic Lice, Trichomoniasis, & many more.

Q3. What is the source of sexually transmitted diseases?

The major source of transmission is virus, bacteria & parasites. Now, you might be thinking about how these bacteria and parasites may be present on our skin and cause infection to our partner. Yes! It is completely true because when you come in contact with an already infected person, the bacteria or the virus present on his/her skin can easily penetrate your skin causing you to contract the disease.

Q4. When should I get tested for sexually transmitted diseases?

It is not necessary to get tested for STD if you are not in a relationship or have intimate skin-to-skin contact with your partner or someone you know. On the other hand, if you are into a relationship and have oral, anal, or vaginal sex with him/her, then it is a must to go for the STD testing process. It will help you to know whether you had an STD or not. Your further treatment program will be based on this factor.

Q5. Should I wait for the symptoms to show?

A big NO! This is because, in most cases, the STDs don’t show any symptoms till the condition gets worse. So, it is not a wise thing to wait for any symptoms before you go for STD Screening in Los Angeles. Some of the top research has revealed that people who do not go for STD testing on time suffer from some serious medical complications. If detected early, your doctor can give you proper medication to treat the issue on time. Then you don’t have to worry about any complications in the future.

Q6. What are the common symptoms of STDs?

There are a lot of people who don’t know about the various symptoms of STDs. Here are a few common symptoms that will assure you that it’s time to go for STD Screening in Los Angeles and book an appointment with your doctor.

  1. If you find bumps or sores on or around your but cheeks, things, inner side of your pelvis area, on your genitals
  2. If you find weird discharge oozing out from your penis or vagina
  3. If you feel that burning sensation while urinating or while feeling the urge to pee again and again
  4. If you feel a lot of itching, swelling, redness, pain, or boils on your vagina, anus, vulva, or penis
  5. If you feel any flu-like signs – body ache, high fever, hot flashes, swollen glands, or feeling low all the time.

Q7. Is there any other possible way to know that you can contract STD?

There is no other possible way to know whether you have been an infector or not except going for STD Screening in Los Angeles. You cannot assume this thing just because you have symptoms that may be similar to those of the STD. So, you must have a surety about it before you take the consultation from your medical practitioner. Some people will just advise you not to worry about it even if you have slight symptoms because they believe that it will go away on its own. Well, do not follow such improper advice especially if you are the infected one, and even help others to discuss such things & advise them to go for a test and then consult a good doctor for the treatment.


Well, all these queries are among the frequently asked queries that people ask when you discuss this topic with them or you want to share some knowledgeable information related to STDs. It will help them see through the actual window and know what to do if they suffer from any such trouble & when to get tested and consult a doctor for the treatment.