American Idol showcases the greatest young vocal talent from throughout the country and regularly provides high-quality performances to fans all over the world. There’s no disputing, though, that audiences on American Idol tend to focus on exceptional train wrecks like William Hung. As a result, the following advice for getting on American Idol is separated into two halves, depending on whether you want to be on the show for talent or…something else.

How to be A Talented American Idols

1. To be considered for American Idol, you must be conversant with a wide range of musical styles. The show requires participants to switch between genres. Make a song your own by jazzing up a country tune or the other way around.

2. Spend as much time as possible on stage performing. Success will not come overnight. Because there will be no accompaniments when you audition for American Idol, you should practice a cappella as much as possible.

3. Make sure your voice is in good shape; don’t abuse or overuse it while pursuing your goals. Also, you need to learn how to contact eyes for better interaction!

4. It may sound obvious, but it’s worth repeating: know your music and feel the lyrics. You must choose a song that will allow you to express your enthusiasm and drive.

5. Do not attempt to imitate Christina Aguilera or Mariah Carey. Be true to yourself. The scouts, like television viewers, want to hear someone new and different.

6. Practice reading newspapers and quizzes, that will help you to have more wits.

Trainwreck on American Idol

1. If the judges tell you that you’re terrible, give them an attitude. Reject any constructive criticism they provide you and ignore any suggestions that you maintain your day job.

2. Tell a compelling narrative. You might be able to receive some airtime if you have a compelling tale to go along with your audition. Do you recall the girl who pawned her wedding band in order to attend the audition? Despite being pulled off the program, she was featured in publications, on entertainment shows, and in news reports for ongoing events involving individuals who had purchased her new wedding rings.

3. Come up with a gimmick or a joke that will get you recognized. During one season, a scooter girl from New York actually rode her scooter to her audition. One girl received airtime for scat-style singing that ended with a loud scream. Scat girl was featured in a number of ads. Sinatra-style acts also received some coverage after making it to the finals in Los Angeles. The takeaway: if you’re not scared to make a fool of yourself, you can easily be recognized on American Idol.

4. Make a grammatical error in the lyrics. Frequently, the concerts would have montages dedicated to performers who make grammatical errors.

5. Involve the stage mothers. When their children don’t make the cut, stage mothers might create a racket in the audition room, yelling, weeping, and screaming.

6. Dress up with wacky costumes. A montage of individuals costumed as mimes, nuns, wizards, lingerie, military outfits, and other costumes is also shown on the broadcast. You won’t receive a lot of airtime from this, but you’ll get a few seconds.