If you’ve been thinking about getting hair restoration surgery, the first thing you should do is make sure you’re a good candidate for this procedure—and that requires knowing who it isn’t appropriate for! The majority of men who are interested in getting a hair transplant are candidates, but there are exceptions to every rule. If any of these descriptions sound like you, you shouldn’t get a hair transplant under any circumstances.

What do you value in life?

In today’s society, hair is becoming less of an issue. In many cases, we are seeing more people with shaved heads and natural styles than ever before. However, there are still many people who struggle with hair loss and the social pressures that come with it. If you feel like your life is negatively impacted by hair loss, there may be a solution for you in the form of a hair transplant. A hair transplant surgery can be an effective way to restore the fullness of your head of hair. The procedure is surgical, but it does not require any incisions on your scalp or head, which means that recovery can be quick and easy – usually between two and four weeks.

Have you been consistent with your hair loss treatments?

If you’ve been consistent with your hair loss treatments and still experiencing progressive hair loss, you may be a good candidate for a hair transplant. At Alborj Hair Clinic, our surgeons are trained in the latest techniques and offer the widest range of options for transplantation, including follicular unit extraction (FUE), follicular unit extraction (FUT) or scalp micropigmentation.

Do you have realistic expectations?

So, you’ve decided to pursue hair transplant surgery. Great! Before scheduling your consultation with your local Alborj Hair Clinic, there are some questions you should ask yourself. Do you have realistic expectations of the results? Do you understand that this procedure is not for everyone and will not produce excellent results in every case? Do you have unrealistic expectations of the procedure and are expecting it to provide instant gratification? If the answer is yes, then it’s possible that a hair transplant may not be for you. When evaluating yourself as a candidate for this procedure, be honest about your expectations. It’s important that any patient understands what they can realistically expect in order to avoid disappointment down the road.

What are your future plans/goals?

I’m researching hair transplants as an option for me. I’ve seen the pictures of people who have had them and it looks like they were born with my hair type. I want to know what steps I need to take in order to determine if this is a viable option for me, since it may be expensive and time consuming. If you are considering getting a hair transplant, then this post will help you decide whether or not you are a good candidate and provide information about Alborj Hair Clinic’s procedures. This post will also talk about what kind of results can be expected following the procedure, the recovery time involved, and how much it costs.

Does hair restoration surgery fit in your budget?

There are many factors that go into determining whether or not you’re a good candidate for hair restoration surgery. Cost is one of the most important considerations, so let’s start there. The average cost of hair transplant surgery in the United States is $6,000-$10,000. This figure varies depending on your geographic location and can be higher if you live in an area like New York City or Los Angeles. A full-head of transplanted follicles will run approximately $15,000-$20,000 with prices going up the more hair you want transplanted. Many people find it helpful to budget for this expense by breaking it down into two parts: What they can afford upfront and what they’ll need to borrow from family members or take out in loans.