Physiotherapy in New Westminster is a unique therapeutic option for injury, dysfunction, and disease. It helps restore mobility, function, and movement in the damaged area by using specialised physical approaches.

Physiotherapy treats patients with medically approved methods based on experimented and researched information about how the body operates.

Physiotherapy in New Westminster is also useful for preventing additional injury or damage to the previously strained body part. It is widely used because people of all ages can benefit from it by maintaining good health and avoiding injury or disease.

Physiotherapy’s Benefits:

Below are some conditions where physiotherapy, New Westminster has helped to get the best potential outcomes –

1-Pain elimination or reduction:

Patients with problems of arthritis, muscular strains/sprains, or tendonitis can benefit from therapy approaches and exercises like Soft Tissue Mobilization and modalities like TENS, IFC, and Ultrasound.

2-Helps prevent surgery:

Let’s be honest. Nobody wants to visit the hospital or have surgery during these difficult epidemic times.

3-Increasing general strength and coordination:

Physiotherapy helps relieve pain during or after surgery, but it also helps improve the body’s overall strength and robustness.

4-Cardiovascular functioning and lung capacity improvement:

Stroke surgery necessitates intensive treatment and recovery. If you have cardiovascular or lung capacity issue, physiotherapy can help patients restore their sense of direction, mobility, and balance.


Experts at Royal City Health & Manual Therapy can help you customise a program of physiotherapy in New Westminster to meet your individual needs with the support of a competent and qualified physiotherapist. Contact the professionals, and they will gladly answer all of your questions.

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