It’s midnight; you sit by your window to soak in the faint moonlight blaring from the half-open window. The next chapter in your page-turner is due, and so is your sleep, but you’re wide awake. Subtle chirps of crickets are interrupted by the door creaking open, just enough for the cold breeze to enter. But what happens next will change your perception of reality forever.

Justified paranoia

As humans, we are accustomed to tangible things that tingle our five senses because it helps us exert control over something and reassures our existence and what we perceive as existing reality. Vice versa, we do not like what we do not understand. Maybe there’s more than what meets the eye. Some are more susceptible to believing in the existence of paranormal entities, whereas others are skeptical.

Despite years of research, the very institutions that can see into the depths of our expansive universe are not able to see, or rather, explain the numerous paranormal encounters people have had throughout history. Encounters such as those documented in Marie Mason’s book, Ghosts of Ransburg: The Madame’s Secrets.

Despite the skepticism, it isn’t obtuse to at least be curious about the paranoia surrounding the unrest. To seeks answers to a question that has been asked throughout the long history of exorcisms, ghost hunting, and unexplained events.

Is something out there, or were you hallucinating?

Eerie encounters

There must be a reason why ghosts have been a part of not anecdotes but folklore and even religious bibliographies. Islam believes in the existence of Djinn, supernatural entities fashioned from fire. Christianity believes in demons, the influence of the devil, and angelic entities. Christianity regards the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost) as one Godhead. A “Rakshasa” demon in Hinduism is also infamous for feats of cannibalism and is part of their religious and cultural texts.

Tales of mythical creatures and witches have been embedded in various cultures. If the Slavs have Baba Yaga, the Spanish have La Llorona. Both witches with bone-chilling origin stories and a common motive to imprison, hunt, and feast on humans.

And let’s be honest, if the next horror movie has the word “Based on True Story” on it, we all know audiences will flood the theatres for their dose of jumpscares. Films of such nature, in essence are documentation of humanity’s interaction with paranormal beings.

Seeing is believing

In today’s technologically advanced times, we do not have to rely on just our eyes which can always be dismissed as an illusion or a trick of the mind. Ghost videos on YouTube are consistently one of the most widely searched queries. Probably the only current way we can bring the untouchable to the tangible.

One of the most vivid pieces of evidence was presented in the form of a photograph taken in 1891 by Sybell Corbert. The image reveals a man sitting on a chair in a library at Combermere Abbey, Chershire, England, but in reality, the man and the chair were never seen from the naked eye, ever.

(Credit: Sybell Corbett)

Debating if the rusty old camera might’ve had a glitch. Well, here’s another damning proof showing an uncanny apparition wearing what appears to be a black cloak behind a girl. This image is one of the most modern examples of paranormal activity and is open to your interpretation, but one thing is for sure, it gives space for a discussion and raises valid questions on the matter.

(Credit: The Sun/News Syndication)

Truth be told

Having gone through these instances and encounters, it is foolish to not consider the existence of at least… something, something that is out there, call it whatever, an apparition, ghost, demon. Something paranormal that is slowly creeping up on you when you least expect it. Make Marie Mason’s book, Ghosts of Ransburg: The Madame’s Secrets, a part of your midnight reads to learn more about well-researched supernatural haunts and real ghost stories. Just make sure the door is locked to avoid any unwarranted inconvenience, might as well look under the bed while you’re at it.