How do I craft a diamond pickaxe Minecraft

These are the materials. It would help if you constructed a diamond pickaxe in Minecraft.

  • 3 diamonds
  • 2 sticks

The process of constructing the diamond pickaxe in Minecraft

  • Open the crafting menu in Minecraft

The first step is to open the crafting menu to make the diamond pickaxe in Minecraft.

  • Add all the items to make the diamond pickaxe.

You can see the crafting area is on the 3×3 grid. Place the 3 diamonds in the 2 grids to prepare the diamond pickaxe. It is important to note that the diamonds and the pickaxe should appear in the same pattern while placing them accordingly.

All three diamonds’ placement appears in the first row of the 3×3 grid. Therefore, the second row should have one stick, and the same thing by placing another stick in the third row while preparing its pattern.

  • Move the constructed diamond pickaxe into the inventory.

You have completed making the diamond pickaxe by following the pattern. It is time to move the diamond pickaxe into the inventory. You are victorious in constructing the patterns of the diamond pickaxe in Minecraft congratulations to you.

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